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  • #285161


    I have 18 published portfolio items that I want to display on my homepage. In the theme customisation, under “Theme Options” I have been able to increase the default display from 5 to 6 posts and selected the 6 posts I want. However when I increase the number more than that (7 through to the 18 I need) no drop-downs show up for me to select the other items. In other words, I can see up until the drop downs for “Portfolio 6” but if I insert 7 in the “number of items to show” box, I don’t get prompted for a “Portfolio 7” option. The purpose of the website is to display the portfolio, so I really need to be able to display all 18 items.

    Any thoughts?


    @susan198: Hello there,
    After increasing the Number of items to show you will need to refresh the customizer page. Did you do that?

    Let me know if you are still having this issue.
    Kind Regards,


    Yes – I increase the number, save and refresh. When I refresh the number I updated is still there, but the new portfolio drop downs don’t appear. The same is true if I close the theme customiser and reopen it as well – the new number is there but no new drop downs to select the new items.


    @susan198: Hello there,
    I will need to look into your site to debug the issue. I have sent you an email. Please check your inbox as well as the spam folder.

    Kind Regards,

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