I recently have updated to Chicago Pro for my blog because I wanted the comment function to be activated and several colors to be easy adjustable. But there are some issues I cannot solve within the custumize menues and my knowledge of css is not good enough to fix them by myself:
1. Background color of comment edit field is light grey with text color only a little darker which results in very poor contrast. I want to change it and cannot find a setting for both of it.
2. The edit fields for name and e-mail (?) are empty and have no labels. Normaly there should be a kind of label so the user knows what to fill in. Background and text colors here a simple black and white when you fill in something.
3. The captions beneath photos are in a very dark grey, so that they are very hardly to see at the dark background. I would also like to change their color.
I would be very thankfull if someone could suggest how i could manage this, which files have to be changed or which css code is nessessary.