<p style=”font-weight: 400;”>Hello Sujapati,
Such things happen.
I thought the portfolio was in the theme, because is is in the list of features. If I had noticed this before, I had chosen another theme. Now it is not I have a few questions.
1. When is this functionality presumably available?
2. If this takes some time: is it possible to use other functionality to makes something that has the same view?
3. Is there another theme with this functionality? I think it is elevatebiz pro.
I think this theme fits our club better, because the focus in this theme is less on the woocommerce. Woocommerce is only used twice a year during five days to let our members order cycling clothes.
Can you please shut down the license code of Threadwears pro and provide me in my account the license code of elevatebiz pro. Then the new website problably has been finished before the ordering moment.
Kind regards
Hans Hagmeijer