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  • #8114

    My “Search Box” has disappeared from the header. It used to be there. When I go to Header Options then to “Disable Header Right Sidebar?” it is unchecked.

    I have checked and unchecked the Sidebar Box saving at the appropriate times. Running a browser in another window I refresh the screen after saving the unchecked setting and the Search Box appears. The problem is it appears only once. If i go to the site again with or without a screen refresh the Search Box is gone.
    Catch Box Pro 2.2

    What do I need to do differently?


    @arichardc: I think you have issue with your Cache plugin. Can you try clearing your cache and disabling the plugin.

    The Disable Header Right Sidebar should be unchecked. You still have another option to add the search box in header right section. Just go to “Appearance => Widgets” and check your Header Right Sidebar then drag and drop the “Search” widget in the Header Right Sidebar.

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