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  • #108836


    I activated the pro version of the theme and I have a big CSS problem. I do not know why but my page is totally disorganized. I delete and reinstall the theme without success.

    I show you a screen of the page (I handed the free version for worries of presentation with respect to my client).

    What can I do to fix this problem EMERGENCY?

    Thank you in advance for your help.

    (Sorry for my writing in English, I am French and uses google translation)



    Hi @caroline,

    The CSS is not loading properly. Did you use a child theme? If not, try disabling all plugins and see if problem persists.

    Without a site url, it will be difficult for me to say exactly what is wrong.



    Hello and thank you for your reply =)

    I have disabled the plugins and then reactivated one by one and it worked. I am very relieved.

    Two other questions since I am:

    * How to modify the footer that brings up the name of the theme (one of the main reasons for buying the pro theme)

    * Is there official support in French?

    Thank you for your future reply.

    Caroline ^^


    I just realized that the Jetpack extension is the problem. Yet it is very useful to me. What to do ?


    Hi @caroline,

    How to modify the footer that brings up the name of the theme (one of the main reasons for buying the pro theme)
    Please goto Appearance=> Customize=> Theme Options=> Footer Editor Options=> Footer Options.

    Is there official support in French?
    I apologize but we only have support in English. We use google translate for some user who do not know english.

    I just realized that the Jetpack extension is the problem. Yet it is very useful to me. What to do ?
    * Can you let me know which JetPack extension is giving you the problem. nd if possible, please describe the problem for me.


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