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  • #61397

    Hi there,

    I have a few changes I would like to make to my site but I’m a bit confused about what I need to do. I’d like to modify my site so that the menu on the home/landing page is different from menus in other areas of the site. So, for example I would like to put two options on the menu on the landing page, and then when someone goes into either area they encounter two different menus and content. I am fairly certain it’s possible since I see the option for “add a new menu” under appearance–> create a new menu. Can you please give me any tips how to assign the menus to different areas of the site?

    Thanks so much,


    @amyfanton: Yes, you can create any number of custom menus from “Appearance => Menus” and then you can assign menu in theme location such as Primary and Footer from “Appearance => Menus => Manage Locations”. Further, you can add “Custom Menu” widget to your sidebars from “Appearance => Widgets”.

    For more about custom menu, see this


    Got it. I was also able to create multiple menus using a plugin. Thank you!!

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