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  • #53272

    My blog is

    As you see it, I have a background color set and my home page is displaying excerpts of my recent posts.

    I would like to set a specific color for a border to surround each post so a person can distinguish each specific post. I would also like to play with the wide of that border.

    I found this that I added to the Custom CSS, but that did’t add any borders.
    .hentry, #page { border: 1px solid #000; }
    .hentry.type-page { border: none; }

    I’m also unable to find where I set the number of posts on the home page and how I told it to make excerpts versus displaying each entire post on the home page. I do want the excerpts, but I can’t figure out how I did this.


    @Keith: You can add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:
    .home #content .hentry { border: 1px solid #000; }

    To Set the number of post, you need to go to “Settings => Reading” and change the value in “Blog pages show at most” and save changes.


    Thank you that worked great. Sorry, I forgot to ask about also putting a border around the post on the post’s page.

    Here is one of my posts.

    Also interested in similar box around each of the sidebar widgets.
    Also interested in reducing the space between each of the widgets. I feel there is too much space between them.


    @Keith: Ok for border in post and widget, you can replace the previous CSS that I gave you with the following css:

    #content .hentry, 
    #secondary .widget {
        border: 2px solid #7d1515;

    Are you sure you want to reduce the spaces between each widget after adding border.


    With border around the widgets, I see that it does not make sense to reduce the spaces between each widget.

    However, now that I see the border around the widgets, I’m thinking the following:
    I like the border around all the posts on the home page and around the post on the post’s page, but no border around the sidebar widgets and then would like the sidebar widgets to be closer together.


    @Keith: Ok then ignore all previous uss and just add the following css to add border in all posts and post in homepage.
    #content .hentry { border: 2px solid #7d1515; }

    Then to reduce the space between widget, you can remove margin bottom and paggind bottom by adding the following css:

    #secondary .widget {
        margin-bottom: 0;
        padding-bottom: 0;
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