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  • #99853
    Glen Pavelich

    Can’t determine if Box Pro allows multiple columns for pages. If not is there a way to make multiple columns for pages?
    I like the “Adaptive” theme for this reason, but the site preview for this theme is sadly lacking.


    @fireflywebs: Both Catch Box Pro and Catch Adaptive Pro has two column layout, Content and Primary Sidebar. If you mean that by two column, then yes the theme is okay for you. And Catch Adaptive Pro’s blog page uses masonry that shows posts in two columns.
    Hope you understand. If you want to know further, let me know.


    Glen Pavelich

    Thanks. What I mean is I would like 2 to 3 column options besides the sidebar for pages and posts. I have discovered there is a plug in called column-short-codes that allows the addition of columns for (per) pages and (per) post (but not global). Is this option in the Catch ‘short code’ list?

    I have an older version of Evolution (2.7) which I may choose to upgrade, but am having a difficult time deciding. I wish your live view of Adaptive showed more of the look per page options (as Box Pro and Evolution do). And I feel the “All Features” on your theme pages should mention column options. One has to drill down to Support/View Instructions to see this and once there the comparison aspect between templates becomes hard work.

    One question. How does one upgrade (once purchased) from an older theme (ie Evolution 2.7) to the recent one. Do I have to delete the old one to install the fresh one. At this point (as my acct option for the theme has expired no doubt) I am unable to upgrade it.



    @fireflywebs: As you mentioned above, 2/3 columns beside sidebar, there is no such options in the theme. You’ll need to use plugin for this.
    About the upgrade:
    Once you’ve purchased the theme, it is for the life time and you can use it in as may site as you’ve owned except 3rd party involvement. There is yearly subscription option, which means, once you pay, you’ll get the update for one year. Then after the year, you’ll need to renew the subscription to get new updates, however, you can skip the update (But it is recommended to have regular updates). If you decide to skip the update for the following year and then renew subscription in the next year. After downloading the theme, you can directly install the theme and all the setting will be migrated to Pro theme automatically.
    Let me know if any confusion.


    Glen Pavelich

    I finally got the latest version, but when I tried to install it directly (with Evolution Pro 2.7 active)
    I got this error.

    Installing Theme from uploaded file:
    Unpacking the package…
    Installing the theme…
    Destination folder already exists. E:/web/public_html/mysite/wp-content/themes/catch-evolution-pro/
    Theme install failed.

    I cannot uninstall the earlier version, my whole site depends on it.

    What is the work around for this please?

    Glen Pavelich

    Sorry forgot to add that trying to do an ‘update’ also failed.


    Glen Pavelich

    Update Failed: Update package not available.
    when trying to do the update.

    Glen Pavelich

    Never mind. Found the updater. But you should send this info with the sale email I think.

    Had to search to forum to find out about this.



    @fireflywebs: Sorry for the late reply. I’m glad that you found the updater. Catch Updater plugin is built specially for this purpose. We will try to make it more clear from now on with some info. Thank you for the suggestion. Have a nice day!


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