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  • #298918
    Eduardo Steglich

    Hi, i’m creating a website for my brand and i chose the scapeshot theme. The homepage background is an 8mb video, and the problem is that when i access the site from my cell phone, the background chosen does not appear, the screen is all black, it only appears when i access the site from my computer. Can you tell me why this is happening? How can we solve this problem?


    @eduardo-steglich: Hello there,

    Header Video not showing on screen size below 900px width is a Default WordPress Feature. To have the Header Video showing on mobile devices you will need to use our Header Enhancement Plugin.

    Let me know if this solves your issue.

    Kind Regards,


    Hi, I love your theme ScapeShot! But I also have trouble with the header video. On desktop and laptop it works fine, but on mobile it shows a black screen. I was under the impression that the header on mobile would display an image as an alternative from the video. I tried install the plugin Header Enhancement, but it still shows a black screen on mobile instead of the video (or image/photo). And on desktop/laptop the video doesn’t Autoplay anymore. Can you please help me with this problem? Thanks a lot, Wes.


    Hi Wesley,

    As mentioned above by Skandha that Header Video is disabled by WordPress core default. So, you need to install the Header Enhancement Plugin, which you can download from




    Hi Sakin, thanks for your reply! I already installed plugin Header Enhancement, but when enabled the video doesn’t auto play anymore. To be honest a backup photo for mobile would be fine for me. By the way, does this work when I buy the ScapeShot Pro version? Kind regards, Wes.


    Hi Wesley,

    Thanks, there is no difference in Header Media on the ScapeShot Pro theme. But if you use the Header Enhancement Pro plugin you will get extra features you can check the compare table at


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