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  • #155464


    I’m trying to put some featured content on the site using the plugin. Ive purchased, downloaded and installed the plugin and have attempted to use it via the appearance-widgets-before content area.

    However, I’m not sure where I should be putting in the content I want to be shown, it doesn’t ask me on the widget to input any post numbers or anything. Is there a way to choose which posts should be featured?



    @elliottrae: Go to => Appearance => Customize => Widgets => Featured Widget Content => Add a Widget => ECT: Featured Content Type => Done
    This way you can setup Featured Content using ECT Feature Content Type.

    To choose which posts should be featured
    Go to => ECT: Featured Content Type Widget => You will see Include Type and Include Tags option to choose which post you want to show up.
    You can choose use the Content type or Content tags to show only particular posts.

    There seems to be a design issue with ECT: Feature Content Widget which will be fixed in the next theme update.
    For now,
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS and add the following CSS Code.

    .ect_featured_content {
    	width:100% !important;

    Let me know if this helps you out!
    Kind Regards,


    Hi Skandha

    I’m confused by this, I’ve added the widget on the ‘before content’ space. But when I go to the dashboard I’m not sure how to add posts! I selected Include Type but I’m not sure how I then add posts.

    Can you explain how I add posts to a featured post area.

    Also, what is a content type or a content tag?



    @elliottrae: Let me explain you this.
    After activating Essential Content Types Pro plugin.

    Go to => Dashboard => Featured Content => Here you can add number of Feature Content post you want.
    When you edit a featured content post, at the right hand side of the text editor you will see Content Types and Content Tags Option. You can create a new Content Type or Content Tag to categorize the post you want to show up in your site.

    Now, Go to => Appearance => Widgets => Before Content => ECT: Featured Content Type => You will see number of options, on Include Type or Include Tag option type in the type or tag you have categorized your post into so that only those posts show up on your site.

    Let me know if this makes sense to you and helps you out!
    Kind Regards,


    Hi Skandha

    Unfortunately I’m still not sure how to make this work.

    I have downloaded and activated the plugin. I have made a new post under ‘Featured Posts’ and used a content tag. I have then put the content tag into the widget but it still says:

    ‘Your Featured Content Archive currently has no entries. You can start creating them on your dashboard.’

    Is there anything else you can do to help please?



    @elliottrae: You will also need to
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Featured Content => Enable on Feature Content => Then select Content Type as Widget.

    Now the featured content widget should show up in widget area you put it.
    Let me know if this works out!
    Kind Regards,


    Hi Skandha

    I got the widget to display the posts (without going into the featured content as you suggested in your last post).

    The problem is that the posts only show up when I don’t put a content type or content tag in the widget. However, I would like to have sub-categories which means I will need to be able to put certain posts under specific areas – and to do this I will need to be able to select which posts go where.

    My issue is that when I put a content tag or type in the widget it doesn’t show up on the website.

    Do you have a phone number I can call please?




    Don’t worry – I’ve figured it out! i think it was that the content type had to be one word rather than two words.

    I have another question – how do I put ‘Latest Posts’ as a header above the latest posts? Also, how do i reduce the number of latest posts on the website to the latest 4?



    Hi Skandha

    I have another request so i’ll put them in order to make it easier:

    1. How do I put ‘Latest Posts’ as title above the latest posts?
    2. How do I reduce the number of latest posts 4?
    3. How do I bring the primary sidebar widget to start alongside the featured posts – on the website I would like the primary side bar to align with the top of the ‘New Dad’ featured posts on the website.



    1. To put “Latest Posts” as title above Latest Posts
    Copy content.php file from you parent theme folder to your child theme folder.
    Now, edit the file and add the following code after <div class="archive-post-wrap">
    <h2 class="section-title">Latest Posts/h2>

    2. To reduce the number of latest posts to 4
    Go to => Dashboard => Settings => Reading => Blog pages show at most => Select 4

    3. I’m afraid a lot of customization is need to bring the primary sidebar alongside the Featured Posts. If you really need this I suggest you to hire a customizer.

    Let me know if this helps you out!
    Kind Regards,


    Thanks Skandha

    Can you please give me some more instructions on how to copy content.php from parent folder to child folder please.

    Thank you.


    @elliottrae: What you can do is Go to => Child Theme Folder => functions.php and add the following Code

    function clean_magazine_main_start() {
    	if( is_home() ) {
    		?><h2 class="section-title">Latest Posts</h2><?php
    	<main id="main" class="site-main" role="main">

    This should insert Latest Posts title above your posts.
    Let me know if this works out!
    Kind Regards,


    Hi Skandha

    I’m not sure how to find the Child Theme folder. Can you start from the dashboard and where I go from there?



    Hi Skandha

    I’m looking to have some boxes on the homepage which can link to my categories. For example, on the frontpage under the ‘Expecting’ header there are currently 3 boxes – I would like to have 6 of these boxes that are links to the different categories.

    I would like these boxes to be on the front page at the top, directly underneath the menu.

    Is their a widget that can do this?



    Also, how do i make the menu pin to the top of the screen so when you scroll down it’s stil there?

    Like these sites:



    And one more question!

    How do I, centre the title on my featured posts titles. I want to the title to be centred in all the titles that I am using for featured posts through the Essential Content Types widget.



    @elliottrae: Make sure your the child theme is activated.
    Go to => Dashboard => Appearance => Editor => On the right hand side you will see Theme Functions and click on functions.php and add the following code and Update File.

    function clean_magazine_main_start() {
    	if( is_home() ) {
    		?><h2 class="section-title">Latest Posts</h2><?php
    	<main id="main" class="site-main" role="main">

    You seem to have added 4 boxed that link to 4 different categories. Do you want to add more categories link this. Is this issue resolved?

    To make the menu pin to the top of the screen so when you scroll down you can use Catch Sticky Plugin. Install and activate the plugin. Then Go to => Dashboard => Catch Sticky Menu => Then insert .
    Desktop Menu Selector: .nav-primary
    Mobile Menu Selector: #header-left-menu

    To center featured post title
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS and add the following CSS Code.

    .ect-post .featured-content-wrapper .entry-header .entry-title {

    Let me know if this help you out!
    Kind Regards,


    Hi Skandha

    I uploaded the code into the child theme to add ‘latest posts’ and now the whole website is down!

    When I open the website it has the following error:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in /home/elliot37/public_html/wp-content/themes/clean-magazine-pro-child/functions.php on line 326

    Can i have some assistance please! I am panicking about the website now!



    Ok so the good news is that I restored the functions.php file via my host provider.

    I then went back into the child theme and added the code. The ‘latest post’ title appears but it is slightly indented to the left (so not in line with the start of the blog picture) and the error comes up on the under the code (on top of the ‘update file’ button):

    “Something went wrong. Your change may not have been saved. Please try again. There is also a chance that you may need to manually fix and upload the file over http://FTP.&#8221;

    I’ve now taken the code out.

    Are you sure it is the right code?


    Oh and the code to centre the featured posts doesn’t work. It makes no changes to the featured posts at all.

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