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  • #108514

    I installed the theme and the default Slider images from the Preview are now showing on my Front page. Where are those specific Slider images being specified? For example, how can I swap just one of the default Slider images for an image from my Media Library? The documentation mentions Featured Content and Featured Images, but when I edit my front page and/or my posts, I don’t see where the default Slider images are specified.


    @rcheney: Well, on Fabulous Fluid Free version, it has limit feature. You cannot directly upload specific image from the media directly into the slider. But What you can do is, use the page’s featured image as the slider image. First of all create some pages, and make sure you have set the Featured Image set to them. Then go to Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Featured Slider and select Featured Page Slider option in Select Slider Type. Some options will slide down. Choose the pages you desire.
    For custom images, I recommend you to upgrade to Pro.


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