#How to install theme?

Go to this link

#How to update theme to the latest version?

Go to this link

#How to add Demo Content?

Go to this link

#Download Demo content files?

Click on the button below to download the demo zip files which contain, customizer.dat (Customizer Settings File), demo-content.xml (Content File), and widgets.wie (Widget Settings File) files.

Download Demo Zip File

This theme relies heavily on Featured Images. If your post is missing a Featured Image, the post image will not show up on homepage, on archived pages and on Featured Page Slider Content. Click Here to see how to add Featured Image in your Post/Page.

#Image Sizes:

Custom Header
Width: 1920px
Height: 1080px

Post Thumbnail
Width: 990px
Height: 557px

Slider Image:
Width: 1920px
Height: 1080px

Featured Archive Image:
Width: 640px
Height: 640px

Width: 150px
Height: 150px

#How to add Featured Image in Post/Page?

Go to this link.

#Regenerate Thumbnails

For regenerate thumbnails got to this link

#Customizer (Theme Options)

You can customize this theme using cool additional features through Customizer at “Appearance => Customize” from your WordPress Dashboard.
You can customize this theme using cool additional features through Customizer at “Appearance => Customize” from your WordPress Dashboard.

Go to this link

#How to enable/disable Site Title and Tagline

Go to this link

#How to add Site Icon (Favicon/Web Clip Icon)?

Go to this link

#How to add Header Video?

Go to this link

#How to add Header Image?

Go to this link

#How to add/edit Header Media Text?

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Header Media Option”
  2. Under “Header Media Text” change the text
  3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”


Go to this link

Go to this link

#Comment Options

Go to this link

#How to Change the Excerpt Length and Read More Text?

Go to this link

Christmas Bell Pro supports 4 featured slider types they are: 1. Post , 2. Page, 3. Category and 4. Custom. For Featured Slider Options, go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options =>Featured Slider”.
Go to this link

Christmas Bell Pro supports 5 featured content types to choose from: 1. Post, 2. Page, 3. Category and 4. Custom. 5.Tags (via Jetpack) For Featured Content Options, go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Featured Content”.
Go to this link

#How to select different font for different sections?

Go to this link

Go to this link

#How to add/edit Date, Contact Number and address in top header?

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Header Top Options “
  2. Clik Disable date to disable date from appearing on your site.
  3. Add email, phone and address to display them on your site.

#Hero Content

Christmas Bell Pro supports 4 Hero Content types to choose from:1. Post , 2. Page, 3. Category and 4. Custom. For Hero Content Options, go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Hero Content Options”.
Go to this link

#How to Set Certain Categories to Display in Homepage/Frontpage?

Go to this link

#Layout Options

Christmas Bell Pro has 2 Site Layout, 4 Default Layout, 4 Homepage/Archive Layout, 4 Archive Content Layout, 3 Single Page/Post Image Layout and 4 Woocommerce Layout options image layout to choose from “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Layout Options”

Site Layout
Once you are in Layout Options, you can Check the option below “Site Layout” which will set your site layout.

Default Layout
Once you are in Layout Options, you can Check the option below “Default Layout” which will set your site’s default layout.

Homepage/Archive Layout
Once you are in Layout Options, you can Check the option below “Homepage/Archive Layout” you can choose option i.Right Siderbar(Content, Primary Sidebar), ii. Left Sidebar(Primary Sidebar,Content), iii. No Sidebar or iv. No Sidebar:Full Width

Archive Content Layout
Once you are in Layout Options, you can Check the option below “Archive Content Layout” which will set your site’s content layout.

Single Page/Post Image Layout
Single page/post layout is for singular post types like Post,Pages. There are option to choose from: i. Post Thumbnail, ii. Slider Image Size or iii. Original Image Size

WooCommerce Layout
Select layout for your WooCommerce pages. Option to choose from 4 Layout Options: i. Right Sidebar(Content, Primary Sidebar), ii. Left Sidebar(Primary Sidebar,Content), iii. No Sidebar or iv. No Sidebar:Full Width

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Menu Option”
  2. Disabling Primary Menu : Check on “Check to disable Primary Menu”.
  3. Enabling search box in primary menu :check on “Check to enable search box in Primary Menu”
  4. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

#How to change Pagination Options?

Go to this link

#How to change Pagination Options?

Christmas Bell Pro supports Page, Post, Category, Custom and Custom Post Type as Portfolio.
Go to this link for portfolio

#How to enable/disable Scrollup feature?

Go to this link

#How to change default text in search box?

Go to this link


Christmas Bell Pro supports 5 Services types to choose from: 1. Post , 2. Page, 3. Image, 4. Category and 5. Custom Post Type.
Go to this link


Personal Trainer Pro supports 5 Testimonial types to choose from: 1. Post , 2. Page, 3. Custom, 4. Category and 5. Custom Post Type.
Go to this link

#How to enable/disable update notifications?

Go to this link

Christmas Bell Pro offers exciting Menu Options! This theme supports and recommends using “Custom Menus”. You can create Custom Menu through “Appearance => Menus” from your WordPress Dashboard.

Select Menu Locations

You can assign your custom menu in 2 different locations. You assign it either from “Appearance => Customize => Menus => Manage Location” or from “Appearance => Menus => Manage Location”
Select your Custom Menu as Primary Menu to display it as the Main Menu, which will replace the default Page Menu
Select your custom menu as Social Menu to display Menu in Header Top or inside Search icon

#Essential Content Type

You can install our free plugin Essential Content Type from this link and follow the steps provided by the link.

Go to this link for Featured Content

#How to add Portfolio in Homepage/Frontpage using Essential Content Type?

Go to this link for Portfolio

#How to add Services in Homepage/Frontpage using Essential Content Type?

Go to this link for Services

#How to add Testimonials in Homepage/Frontpage using Essential Content Type?<

Go to this link for Testimonials

#Widget Area (Sidebar)

Christmas Bell Pro currently has 17 widgetized (Sidebar) areas thay are: 1. Sidebar, 2. Instagram, 3. Footer One, 4. Footer Two, 5. Footer Three, 6. Footer Four, 7. Content Bottom 1, 8. Content Bottom 2, 9. WooCommerce Sidebar, 10. 404 Page Not Found Content, 11. Optional Homepage Sidebar, 12. Optional Archive Sidebar, 13. Optional Page Sidebar, 14. Optional Post Sidebar, 15. Optional Sidebar One, 16. Optional Sidebar Two and 17. Optional Sidebar Three Go to “Appearance => Widgets” or “Appearance => Customize => Widgets” in WordPress.


Christmas Bell Pro has CT: Social Icons as widget

#How to add Widgets in widget area?

You can add widgets to your widget area from two location

1. Go to “Appearance => Widget”, then drag the widget to the widget area or you can click in the widget then list of widget area will appear, now you can choose desired widget area and click on “Add Widget”.

2. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Widgets”, then you can find list of widget area. Click on the any widget area and you will see “Add a Widget” option by click on it you can find list of Widget which you can add to respected widget area.

#How to add “Social Icon” in widget area(CT:Social Icon)?

This widget is used to add social icons as a widget.

  1. Add CT:Social Icon to desired widget area. More Info
  2. Add “Title” under the respective field.
  3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

#How to add Instagram Widget in Sidebar?

To use Instagram as Sidebar, you need to either use our free plugin
Catch Instagram Feed Gallery & Widget OR its premuim version Catch Instagram Feed Gallery & Widget Pro

#How to enable/disable Zoom, Lightbox and Slider effects for WooCommerce Product Gallery?

Frontpage using Essential Content Type?<

Go to this link

#Additional CSS

Go to this link

Recommended Plugins
* Catch Web Tools for Webmaster Tools, To Top, Catch IDs
* Essential Content Type
* Contact Form 7 for Contact Form
* WooCommerce for E-commerce
* WP-PageNavi for Numeric Pagination
* Regenerate Thumbnails to for Regenerating Thumbnails
* Jetpack for Infinite Scroll, Gallery, Stats, Image CDN and many more