
Adventurous is a Simple, Clean, Minimal, Lightweight, Box-Shaped and Full-Width Responsive WordPress Theme. It is based in HTML5, CSS3 and very own Catch Themes easy to use Theme Options panel, which make this theme highly customizable and flexible. Make your beautiful yet professional website in no time. Adventurous is a multi-purpose theme and is suitable for Photographers, Bloggers and Businesses. This theme is translation ready.
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Buy Adventurous Pro Theme

Features “Adventurous” Free Theme

  1. Site Identity: Option to enable/disable header text, add/edit Custom Logo and Site Icon (Favicon/Web Clip Icon)
  2. Custom Menu: There are 2 custom menu location that you can assign. 1. Header Right Menu and 2. Header Secondary Menu
  3. Header Image: Option to add Custom header image, Here you will get option like: Enable Featured Header Image Options, Page/Post Featured Image Size Options, Featured Header Image URL, Featured Header Image Alt/Title Tag, Featured Header Image Link URL, Target. Open Link in New Window and Reset
  4. Background Image: Option to add desired Background Image
  5. Header Options: Option to enable/disable Header Right Sidebar
  6. Content Featured Image Options: Option to set the size of Featured Image in content choosing from 3 different sizes: 1. Featured Image, 2. Slider Image and 3. Full Image; or the option to “Disable Image” altogether
  7. Promotion Headline Options: Add Promotion headline, sub-headline and call to action button to your site or disable any of the elements
  8. Homepage/Frontpage Settings: Option to enable/disable Latest Posts(blog) or just add Static Page to Homepage. Further, you can select the Category from which you want to show your latest Posts
  9. Layout Options: Three Sidebar Layout Options to choose the layout 1. Right Sidebar, 2. Left Sidebar and 3. No Sidebar. Two Content Layout Option to choose between Excerpt and Full Content
  10. Search Text Settings: You can change the placeholder text in the search box
  11. Excerpt / More Tag Settings: Option to change the More Tag (Continue Reading) text and Excerpt content word limit
  12. Featured Content: Option to add Featured Content in the Homepage or Entire Site. Here you can add in Headline, Sub-headline and Featured Content( Image, Title, Content and Links). Further, you have option to select 3 Columns or 4 Columns layout for this
  13. Featured Slider: Here you can choose to showcase either Featured Post Slider or Featured Category Slider. You also will get option enable slider only in Homepage or Entire Site, option to disable text in slider, choose number of post in slider, Transition Effect, Transition Delay and Transition Length
  14. Social Links: 26 different social icons
  15. Additional CSS: Options to add custom css style to overwrite the existing css without building child theme
  16. Widgets: One custom widgets called “Adventurous” which helps you to add social link to any sidebar area you want.
  17. Widget Areas: Five widgetized areas: 1. Main Sidebar, 2. Footer Area One, 3. Footer Area Two, 4. Footer Area Three and 5. Footer Area Four
  18. Page/Post Option Meta: We have Adventurous Option meta below your Page/Post content editor. This option gives you to select “Sidebar Layout, Header Featured Image Options and Content Featured Image Options” specific to your individual Page/Post and this will overwrite the overall settings set in “Theme Options” panel

Additional Features “Adventurous Pro” Preminum Theme

  1. Responsive Design: One click option to disable responsive design
  2. Custom Menu: Additional footer menu
  3. Site Identity: Additional option to move site title & description before logo and option to disable site title, site description and search at Header Right Section
  4. Header Image: Additional option to choose Featured Header Image Position: After Header, After Header Menu, After Slider, After Promotion Headlines and After Featured Content
  5. Promotion Headline Options: Additional option to chose Promotion Headline Position: After Slider, Before Slider, After Featured Content and Before Footer
  6. Layout Options: Additional two layout options: No Sidebar Full Width and No Sidebar One Column
  7. Font Family Options: You can select fonts from 41 different options for your Default, Site Title, Site Tagline, Content Title, Content Body and Heading Tags from H1 to H6 Font Family
  8. Feed Redirect: Option to redirect your feed to feedburner
  9. Comment Options: Option to user WordPress default comment settings, or disable only in pages or disable completely
  10. Footer Editor Option: Access to Footer Text and the flexibility to change it, such as “Powered By”, “Theme Acknowledgement” and so on
  11. Color Options: There are two predefined color schemes that is Dark and Light. Further, there is 57 color pickers to pick the background and text color for various elements such as Menu Color Options (Header Right Menu, Header Secondary Menu, Footer Menu and Mobile Menu), Site Color Options, Promotion Color Options, Sidebar Color Options and Footer Color Options.
  12. Featured Content: Additional option to chose Featured Content Position: Before Content and Before Footer
  13. Featured Slider: Additional option to choose from Featured Page Slider and Featured Image Slider
  14. Social Links: Addition option to add your own custom social image and link
  15. Webmaster Tools: You can use site verification code for Google, Yahoo and Bing and add in Scripts/code in Header and Footer
  16. Widgets: Additional Five custom widgets: 1. Catch Kathmandu Advertisement, 2. Catch Kathmandu Featured Content, 3. Catch Kathmandu Featured Page, 4. Catch Kathmandu Featured Post and 5. Catch Kathmandu About Profile
  17. Widget Areas: Additional Ten widgetized areas that are 1. Header Top Sidebar, 2. Header Right Sidebar, 3. Optional Homepage Sidebar, 4. Optional Archive Sidebar, 5. Optional Page Sidebar, 6. Optional Post Sidebar, 7. Optional Sidebar One, 8. Optional Sidebar Two, 9. Optional Sidebar Three, 10. WooCommerce Sidebar and 10. 404 Page Not Found Content
  18. Page/Post Option Meta: We have Catch Adventurous Option meta below your Page/Post content editor. Pro version have 1 additional option to chose Sidebar for Page/Post to Default Sidebar or Optional Sidebar One or Optional Sidebar Two or Optional Sidebar Three

Installation using the Administration Panel

You can download Themes directly to your site by using the Add New Themes option in the Appearance sub-menu.

  1. Log in to the WordPress Administration Panel
  2. Go to “Appearance =>Themes”, and then Add New
  3. Type “Adventurous” in the search box and click on Search
  4. It will show the Adventurous Thumbnail and details
  5. Click on “Install Now” and then “Activate” to install the Theme

Manual Installation using FTP

To add a new Theme to your WordPress installation, follow these basic steps:

  1. Download Adventurous from Catch Theme Site at Adventurous Theme page to your Desktop
  2. Unzip to your Desktop
  3. Using an FTP client to access your host web server, go to /wp-content/themes/ and make sure that you do not already have a Adventurous folder installed
  4. If you do, then back it up and remove it from /wp-content/themes/ before uploading your copy of Adventurous Theme
  5. Upload Adventurous to /wp-content/themes/
  6. Activate Adventurous through “Appearance => Themes” in your WordPress Dashboard

Updating Theme Using FTP

To update Theme though FTP, follow these basic steps:

  1. Download Adventurous from your Catch Themes site at Adventurous Theme Page to your Desktop
  2. Unzip to your Desktop
  3. Using an FTP client to access your host web server, go to /wp-content/themes/ and upload your new copy of Clean Education Theme which shall replace the old files

Always Set Featured Images

This Theme relies heavily on Featured Images. If your post is missing a Featured Image, the Post Image will not show up on the homepage, in archived pages and on the Featured Post Slider. Read more about Featured Images

Image Sizes

Feature Slider
Width: 1600px
Height: 600px

Featured Image in Homepage and Archive Page
Width: 800px
Height: 324px

Small Thumbnail
Width: 400px
Height: 267px

How to add Featured Image in Post/Page?

  1. Open the editor of the post/page where you want to display image, and locate the Featured Image module in the bottom right corner under Page Attributes. Click on Set Featured Image.
  2. Then you can either upload the image from your computer or select the existing image from your media library and click on Set Featured Image. Click to view screenshot
  3. For more detail, click here to watch video Screencast

Regenerate Thumbnails

If you have just changed your Theme then you need to regenerate image thumbnail for Posts published prior to activating this Theme. You can simply install Regenerate Thumbnails Plugin. Then Regenerate Thumbnails through “Tools => Regen. Thumbnails” in your WordPress Dashboard.

Widgets and Sidebars

Adventurous currently has 5 widgetized areas (Sidebars) that are 1. Main Sidebar, 2. Footer Area One, 3. Footer Area Two, 4. Footer Area Three and 5. Footer Area Four.
You can add a variety of Widgets to this Theme through “Appearance => Widgets” in WordPress. We have added 1 custom widgets: 1. Adventurous Social that you can use in addition to WordPress default widgets.


This theme supports “Custom Menus”. You can create Custom Menu through “Appearance => Menus” page in your WordPress Dashboard. Don’t forget to assign your custom menu as “Header Right Menu” to display it as the main menu in Header Right Section. It also has one other menu, namely Header Secondary Menu. Read More

  • For more detail, Click here to watch video Screencast
  • Theme Options

    You can customize this Theme using cool additional features through “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options” in your WordPress Dashboard.

    1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Site Identity
    2. You can replace the default logo by clicking on it, or click on “Change Image”
    3. Then you can either upload the image from your computer or select the existing image from your media library
    4. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

    How to disable Header Text? #

    1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Site Title & Tagline”
    2. Uncheck “Display Header Text” and it will not display header text
    3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

    How to add Site Icon (Favicon/Web Clip Icon)? #

    1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Site Identity => Site Icon”
    2. Click on “Select Image” and then you can either upload the image from your computer or select the existing image from your media library
    3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

    Header Image #

    Custom Header Image is different from site logo. It’s a large global image in the header to obtain a much more personalized look and feel. To add header image, you need to go to “Appearance => Customize => Header Image”. Here, you can add/change/hide Header Image, select option to Enable Featured Header Image on, Position, Size and add in links and alt tag as per your website need.

    Options to Enable Header Featured Image

    When you are in “Appearance => Customize =>; Header Image”, you will see option “Enable Featured Header Image on”. There are 6 options, which gives you flexibility to add Header Image as per your website need.

    Option 1: Homepage/Frontpage
    This option will show header image in Homepage/Frontpage only.

    Option 2: Excluding Homepage
    This option will show header image throughout the site, excluding Homepage.

    Option 3: Entire Site
    This option will show header image throughout the site.

    Option 4: Entire Site, Page/Post Featured Image
    This option will show header image throughout the site. But in Page/Post, your header image will be replaced by Featured Image.

    Option 5: Page and Post
    This option will show Header Image in Page and Post only. But in Page/Post, your header image will be replaced by Featured Image.

    Option 6: Disable
    This option will disable Header Image complete

    1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Header Image”
    2. Now, select enable options in “Enable Featured Header Image on”
    3. Click on “Add New Image” to add new header image
    4. Then you can either upload the image from your computer or select the existing image from your media library
    5. Click on “Select and Crop” and you can either crop image or skip cropping
    6. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”
    1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Header Options” in your WordPress Dashboard
    2. Check Option “Disable Header Right Sidebar”
    3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

    Content Featured Image

    Adventurous also has Content Featured Image Layout displayed on Homepage, Archive, Pages and Posts. You can choose the various image sizes or just disable it in “Content Featured Image Size” through “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options” from your WordPress Dashboard. Further, you can select Featured Image Options for individual Pages and Posts through “Adventurous Options” meta box below the Post and Page editors.

    How to add Promotion Headline? #

    1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Promotion Headline Options”
    2. To enable Promotion Headline, select “Homepage/Frontpage or Entire Site” option under “Enable Headline on”
    3. Then, you can change the defult text as needed or delete it to remove any fields
    4. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

    How to Set Certain Categories to Display in Homepage/Frontpage? #

    1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Homepage/Frontpage Options”
    2. Then select the category you want, and you may select multiple categories by holding down the CTRL key(windows)/Command Key(Mac)
    3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

    Layout Options #

    Adventurous has 3 Sidebar Layout options and 2 Full Content Display layout to choose from “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Layout Options”

    Sidebar Layout Options

    Adventurous has 3 Sidebar Layout Options to choose from: 1. Right Sidebar, 2. Left Sidebar and 3. No Sidebar. You can customize sidebars through “Appearance => Theme Options => Layout Options” in your WordPress Dashboard. Further, you can select custom layout for individual Pages and Posts through “Adventurous Options” meta box below the Post and Page editors.

    Full Content Display

    Adventurous has 2 Full Content Display Options to choose from: 1. Full Content Display and 2. Excerpt/Blog Display . You can customize sidebars through “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Layout Options” in your WordPress Dashboard. Further, you can select custom layout for individual Pages and Posts through “Adventurous Options” meta box below the Post and Page editors.

    How to edit individual posts/pages layout?
    This can be achieved through custom meta box by following the steps below:

    1. Go to Add/Edit option of Page/Post
    2. There you can find Adventurous Options
    3. Then under Sidebar Layout you select required option “Right sidebar, Left sidebar or No Sidebar”
    4. Finally Click on “Publish/Update”

    How to enable/disable Header Featured Image Options for individual Page/Post?
    This can be achieved through custom meta box by following the steps below:

    1. Go to Add/Edit option of Page/Post
    2. There you can find Adventurous Options
    3. Then under Header Featured Image Options you can select option “Enable or Disbale”
    4. Finally Click on “Publish/Update”

    How to select Content Featured Image Options for individual Page/Post?
    This can be achieved through custom meta box by following the steps below:

    1. Go to Add/Edit option of Page/Post
    2. There you can find Adventurous Options
    3. Then under Content Featured Image Options you can select option “Featured, Slider, Full or Disable Image”
    4. Finally Click on “Publish/Update”

    Color Options

    Color Options is only available in Adventurous Pro theme. It has 2 different color schemes that you can choose from and further you can customize individual colors of texts and backgrounds through “Appearance => Theme Options => Color Options” in your WordPress Dashboard.

    1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Search Text Settings” in your WordPress Dashboard
    2. Then type in the text you want consistently displayed in the Search Box
    3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

    How to Change the Excerpt Length and Read More Text? #

    1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Excerpt Options”
    2. Type in the Excerpt Length as in, the number of words, and Read More Text
    3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

    How to disable Scrollup feature? #

    1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Scrollup Options”
    2. Check option “Check to disable Scroll Up”
    3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

    Adventurous supports Featured Content. For Featured Content Options, go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Content => Featured Content Settings”.

    How to enable Featured Content?
    Featured Content is created to highlight independent images in the featured content. This option gives you full control to upload your own independent image, with title (optional), content (optional), optional link and target. Just use the following simple steps to add in the Featured Image Content.

    1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Content => Featured Content Settings” from your WordPress Dashboard
    2. To enable featured content, select “Homepage/Frontpage or Entire Site” option under “Enable Featured Content on”
    3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

    When you select page, make sure your Page have Featured Image. Click here to watch our Video Screencast to add Featured Image.

    How to change Featured Content Layout?#

    1. Adventurous currently supports two layouts: 3 columns and 4 columns
    2. Make sure Featured Content is enabled
    3. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Content => Featured Content Options” from your WordPress Dashboard
    4. Under “Select Featured Content Layout”, you can select your desired layout from “3 columns” or “4 columns”
    5. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

    How to change Headline and Subheadline?#

    1. Make sure Featured Content is enabled
    2. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Content => Featured Content Settings” from your WordPress Dashboard
    3. Under “Headline for Featured Content”, you can change the text as needed or Leave field empty if you want to remove Headline
    4. Under “Sub-headline for Featured Content”, you can change the text as needed or Leave field empty if you want to remove Sub-headline
    5. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

    Note:Make sure the number of sliders are greater than the Featured Content Layout(greater than 3 for 3 columns and greater than 4 for 4 columns) for Sliding Effect to be enabled even after checking “Check to Enable Sliding Effect” option.

    How to change number of Featured Content?#

    1. Make sure Featured Content is enabled
    2. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Content => Featured Content Options” from your WordPress Dashboard
    3. Under “No of Featured Content” set number of Featured Content as required(You need to save and refresh the page after changing number of Featured Content)
    4. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

    Note:For best results, it is recommended to set number of featured content to be multiple of Featured Content Layout (E.g. for 3 columns layout, 3, 6, 9 etc. will yield best results).

    How to select Featured Content?#

    1. Make sure Featured Content is enabled
    2. Then, select Page in Featured Page 1, Featured Page 2 and so on
    3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

    Note: Number of featured content is determined by No of Content

    Featured Slider

    Adventurous theme supports 2 different Featured Sliders to choose from 1. Post Slider and 2. Category Slider.

    How to enable Featured Slider?#

    1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider => Slider Options” from your WordPress Dashboard
    2. To enable slider, select “Homepage/Frontpage or Entire Site” option under “Enable Slider on”
    3. Under “Select Slider Type”, Select Slider Type as “Post Slider or Category Slider”
    4. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

    Post Slider:

    Post Slider is created to highlight your Posts through a slider. So, first you need to create a Post and then add Featured Image to the Post.

    How to enable Post Slider?

    1. Make sure Featured Slider is enabled
    2. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Featured Slider” in your WordPress Dashboard
    3. Under Slider Options select Slider Type as “Featured Post Slider”
    4. Then, add in Post ID in Featured Post 1, Featured Post 2 and so on
    5. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

    * When you add the Post IDs, make sure your posts have Featured Images
    * If you are unable to find post IDs, please install Catch IDs Plugin to find the Post IDs

    Category Slider:

    Category Slider is created to highlight your Posts of a particular category. So, first you need to create various Posts, add Featured Image to every Post and assign it to a particular category.

    How to enable Category Slider

    1. Make sure that Featured Slider is enabled
    2. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider => Slider Options” from your WordPress Dashboard
    3. Under “Select Slider Type”, Select Slider Type as “Featured Category Slider”
    4. Then, select Catgories
    5. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

    * Always add Featured Image in your Post.

    How to change Transition Effect, Transition Delay and Transition Length on Slider?#

    1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider => Slider Options” from your WordPress Dashboard
    2. To change Transition Effect, select option under “Transition Effect”
    3. To change Transition Delay, change number of second(s) under “Transition Delay” as per your need
    4. To change Transition Length, change number of second(s) under “Transition Length” as per your need
    5. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

    How to change number of slides?#

    1. Make sure Featured Slider is enabled
    2. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider => Slider Options” from your WordPress Dashboard
    3. Under “No fo Slides”, select the number slides as per your need
    4. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

    How exclude Slider post from Homepage posts?#

    1. Make sure Featured Slider is enabled
    2. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider => Featured Slider Options” from your WordPress Dashboard
    3. Check option, “Check to exclude Slider post from Homepage posts”
    4. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

    Social Links

    Adventurous has custom social icons for various social networking sites. You can activate the social icons you want by adding in your social profile links through “Appearance => Theme Options => Customize => Social Links” in your WordPress Dashboard. After adding in the social links, you need to add “1. Adventurous: Social” widget from “Appearance => Widgets.

    Additional CSS

    With the help of this Additional CSS box, you can change the CSS without creating a Child Theme. You can add your custom CSS that will overwrite the Theme CSS for further more design customization through “Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS” in your WordPress Dashboard.

    Note: If you are doing heavy customization and adding lot of custom css then we recommended to build Child Theme and add it in your child theme style.css file. Read More about child theme…

    Webmaster Tools

    This option is only available in Adventurous Pro theme.

    Embed Multimedia into Posts or Pages

    For externally hosted videos (for example a YouTube or Vimeo video), you can directly paste the link of your video page into the content editor. You do not necessarily have to paste the embed code in the content. WordPress will automatically embed the video from the link.

    Recommended Plugins
    * Catch Web Tools for Webmaster Tools, To Top, Catch IDs
    * Essential Content Type
    * Contact Form 7 for Contact Form
    * WP-PageNavi for Numeric Pagination
    * Regenerate Thumbnails to for Regenerating Thumbnails
    * Jetpack for Infinite Scroll, Gallery, Stats, Image CDN and many more