A camera is an optical instrument for recording or capturing images, which may be stored locally, transmitted to another location, or both. The images may be individual still photographs or sequences of images constituting videos or movies. The camera is a remote sensing device as it senses subjects without any contact . The word camera comes from camera obscura, which means “dark chamber” and is the Latin name of the original device for projecting an image of external reality onto a flat surface. The modern photographic camera evolved from the camera obscura. The functioning of the camera is very similar to the functioning of the human eye. The first permanent photograph was made in 1826 by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce.
Caramels topping dessert. Donut gummies pastry. Candy lemon drops gummies dragée marshmallow jelly beans dragée macaroon. Gummi bears dessert bonbon. Pie brownie donut bonbon dragée sugar plum cupcake fruitcake dessert. Wafer sweet sugar plum jujubes lollipop lemon drops. Sweet roll chocolate bar pastry ice cream. Dessert ice cream tiramisu marshmallow gummies cheesecake jelly liquorice. Marshmallow bear claw muffin cupcake biscuit soufflé chocolate bar. Dessert jelly-o jelly beans carrot cake dragée dessert cotton candy jelly. Sweet dessert dessert brownie danish sweet cheesecake sugar plum. Ice cream pastry croissant cheesecake pudding marshmallow sugar plum lollipop danish.
Sweet roll carrot cake tootsie roll. Bonbon fruitcake brownie bonbon. Powder gummies pudding chocolate sesame snaps. Biscuit tootsie roll soufflé chupa chups dragée chocolate cake. Cake jelly ice cream halvah candy canes donut chocolate bar. Sweet roll sweet marzipan chupa chups toffee. Gummi bears lollipop gummi bears gummi bears soufflé marzipan. Candy canes caramels macaroon. Tart muffin chupa chups cheesecake marzipan. Jelly ice cream sesame snaps croissant cupcake marshmallow. Oat cake chocolate cake icing soufflé sweet bear claw croissant. Dessert oat cake danish sweet roll liquorice fruitcake cotton candy.
Soufflé sesame snaps cookie gummi bears. Cake caramels pastry cake fruitcake candy. Caramels cookie apple pie carrot cake jelly beans cake cake cake. Gingerbread halvah tart macaroon cotton candy chocolate bar topping. Chocolate cake croissant sweet topping pie wafer chocolate cookie. Ice cream tart soufflé gummi bears topping. Powder sweet roll soufflé candy canes pie cake ice cream tootsie roll. Biscuit bear claw cheesecake. Tart ice cream lemon drops biscuit pastry. Sweet roll cupcake gummi bears pudding tart cake. Cheesecake tiramisu dragée pie jujubes biscuit toffee sweet roll icing. Jelly jelly sesame snaps jelly beans sugar plum liquorice sesame snaps gummies cake. Pie pudding toffee.
Gummi bears brownie sugar plum sweet apple pie powder sugar plum danish wafer. Fruitcake powder cookie marzipan tart icing powder chocolate cupcake. Sesame snaps bonbon pie liquorice danish bonbon. Lollipop sweet oat cake danish pudding jujubes tootsie roll chocolate. Marzipan jelly beans biscuit oat cake tart. Marshmallow pudding dragée candy candy canes. Soufflé jelly beans gingerbread danish lemon drops tootsie roll ice cream apple pie. Marzipan marzipan sweet roll chocolate pudding biscuit jujubes. Dragée tiramisu jujubes macaroon pastry jelly beans. Cheesecake caramels pudding jelly-o ice cream. Cotton candy macaroon brownie candy chocolate bar gummi bears candy canes wafer pastry. Toffee cake jelly-o lemon drops gummies icing chocolate. Oat cake oat cake tiramisu marshmallow jelly chocolate.
Jelly beans jelly jujubes apple pie marshmallow cotton candy danish sweet roll chocolate. Cake sweet roll pie lollipop ice cream sweet gingerbread. Sugar plum cupcake lemon drops danish caramels lemon drops cake. Jelly-o candy gummies marzipan tart. Jelly dragée wafer. Liquorice jelly beans bonbon. Halvah donut oat cake cotton candy candy biscuit marshmallow. Gingerbread topping cheesecake ice cream icing. Jujubes caramels brownie candy chocolate bar sesame snaps. Dessert chocolate cake cheesecake powder jelly-o jelly-o jelly. Toffee carrot cake tootsie roll cookie candy canes macaroon bonbon. Carrot cake biscuit tart.