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- EW: Archives
The Archives widget comes with various customization options. Choose a title, limit the number of posts, select the archive type, post type, order and more with the Archives widget.
- EW: Authors
Displaying the author’s information is kind of a must-have feature if your website has multiple authors. Our new WordPress widgets plugin allows you to add Authors widget. With this widget, you can show the list of the authors on your website, the number of posts, select feed type, and more.
- EW: Categories
Essential Widgets supports Categories widget. The widget provides you with various customizable options such as the title of the widget, taxonomy option, order option, number of categories to show, display as a list or none, number of posts to display, sort by option, select feed type ton display and display as text or image.
- EW: Menus
Bored with the same default menu? Our new WordPress plugin for widgets, Essential Widgets supports Menus widget. With the Menus widget filled with various customization options, you can display your menus elegantly anywhere you want on your website.
- EW: Pages
Display a list of pages with the Pages widget. With various customization options being provided to you, you can showcase the pages that are more important on your website wherever you want with Essential Widgets.
- EW: Posts
Essential Widgets supports Posts widget. With the widget and its customizable options, you can easily display a list of posts on your website. You can add a title, select the post type, number of items to display, order, sort by, and more.
- EW: Tags
And last, but definitely not the least, the Tags widget. You can display a list of tags as cloud or list, select the order of the tags, sort by option and the number of items to be displayed. The widget also provides you with more customization options including the unit, separator, search, text type, and more.
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