
You can download Pentatonic free theme through Dashboard > Appearance > Themes > Add New > Pentatonic. Simply click on the ‘Install’ button and wait for a few seconds to ‘Activate’ the theme.

Or, if you still have any confusion regarding the Theme Installation process, please visit our FAQ link.

Inserting/Adding Pentatonic Patterns

Dashboard >> Editor >> ‘+’ Toolbar (Top Left) >> Patterns >> Select Pentatonic from the dropdown menu >> Add/Insert Pentatonic Patterns accordingly

Editing Pattern Content

First, click on the pattern content you wish to edit/customize
You can select the section/content in three ways

  • Clicking on the section itself
  • List View
  • Footer Interface Bar

Once the section is selected you can edit its content or if you want to customize the section’ properties/options, click the three dots and select your desired action. Duplicate, Remove, Copy or Add desired section before or after the current section.

Header Media

To edit Header Media, here is what you have to do:

  1. Go to “Appearance => Editor”, on top left click on “+” icon then Patterns
  2. Click on dropdown menu and select “Pentatonic” to see list of pattern provided by Pentatonic
  3. Scroll down and to find “Slider with Social”, click to add header media or drag and drop on desired area
  4. To edit particular part of the header you will have to click on 3 button which will open List View
  5. On top right you can click setting icon to change particular area or click on the section to get tool box too
  6. Then click on the areas you want to edit and the tool box to edit the respective area will be displayed
  7. Make required changes to header and Click on Save

Add and Edit Menu

You can Select predefined menu and create you own customized menu.

1. This Video show how to create your own custom menu:

2. This video shows how to select predefined menu:

Duplicating the designs and sections for patterns having more than one column

Duplicate section can be used if you want to add a similar section in your pattern.
For Example: If you want to add one more column in between your Featured Content Duplicate section can be used, as it will create a similar section and you can edit the content accordingly.

Duplicate section is a very easy step to add on particular sections in your pattern.

Select the column via ListView/Footer Interface, then click on three dots and select Duplicate then change the content accordingly

About Us and About Us with Stats

Pentatonic Pro - About Us with Stats

Pentatonic support about us and about us with stats pattern, here you can add. you can add these patterns according to your need.
Here is how you add:

  1. Click on “+” sign on block pattern tab to display Blocks and Pattern, Click on Pattern
  2. Click on dropdown menu and select “Pentatonic” to see list of pattern provided by Pentatonic
  3. Scroll down to find About Us or About Us with Stats, click to add or drag and drop in desired area
  4. After adding about us pattern click on setting icon on top right there you can edit advance options like media with, color and so on
  5. Finally click save to save changes

Music Podcast

Pentatonic Pro - Music Podcasts

Music Podcast section in Pentatonic allows you to add podcast audio or you can add link of youtube video.
Music Podcast pattern is enabled by default.
Here is how you add it and edit music podcast:

  1. Click on “+” sign on block pattern tab to display Blocks and Pattern, Click on Pattern
  2. Click on dropdown menu and select “Pentatonic” to see list of pattern provided by Pentatonic
  3. Scroll down to find Music Podcast, click to add or drag and drop in desired area
  4. After adding Music Podcast, Click on the play button which will display tool bar click on replace to add audio sound
  5. After adding music podcast click on setting icon on to edit more advance options
  6. Finally click on Save to save changes

Featured Content

Featured Content pattern and customize the section. Add your Title, Tagline, and Subtitle for the section. Display your featured content in as many columns as you wish and customize color, border, styles, and more.

  1. Click on “+” sign on the top bar to display Blocks and Pattern, Click on Pattern
  2. Click on dropdown menu and select “Pentatonic” to see list of pattern provided by Pentatonic
  3. Scroll down and to find “Featured Content”, click to add featured content on your website or drag and drop
  4. Edit Featured Content accordingly by adding Images, Title, Descriptions button and button links

Footer Three Columns

Pentatonic Supports footer three columns, here you can add pages, social links as per your need

  1. Click on “+” sign on the top bar to display Blocks and Pattern, Click on Pattern
  2. Click on dropdown menu and select “Pentatonic” to see list of pattern provided by Pentatonic
  3. Scroll down and to find “Footer Three Columns”, click to add footer three columns on your website or drag and drop
  4. Edit Featured Content accordingly by adding Images, Title, Descriptions, text, social media links as per your need
  5. For more advance setting click on setting button on top left section
  6. Make required changes and click on Save

Templates in Pentatonic

You can find 11 Templates provided by our Pentatonic theme. You can customize these templates if you feel like changing anything on a certain template and wish to see those changes across your site.

  1. 404: Displays when no content is found
  2. Archive: Displays post categories, tags, and other archives
  3. Blank: The blank template can be used for displaying the contents of a post or page
  4. Front Page: Displays homepage
  5. Home: Displays posts on the homepage, or on the Posts page if a static homepage is set
  6. Index: Displays Posts
  7. Page: Displays a single page
  8. Single Page (Sidebar on Right)
  9. Single Post (Sidebar on Right)
  10. Single Post: Displays a single post

Template Parts in Pentatonic

There are 8 Template Parts in Pentatonic

  1. Footer (with three columns
  2. Footer
  3. Header (with buttons)
  4. Header (with Header Media No Video and No Social Search)
  5. Header
  6. Page Content
  7. Post Content
  8. Sidebar