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Gridalicious Pro

Gridalicious Pro is an advanced version of Gridalicious free theme. Gridalicious Pro is a Simple, Clean, Grid Base Responsive WordPress Theme which automatically adapts to the screen’s size, ensuring that your content is always displayed beautifully no matter what device visitors are using. It is based in HTML5, CSS3 and WordPress Theme Customizer for real time customization. This theme is translation ready. Check out Theme Instructions at, Support at and Demo at

Features in “Gridalicious” Free Theme:

  1. Responsive Design
  2. Site Identity: Option add/edit Logo, move Site Title and Tagline before logo, display Site Title and Tagline and option to add/edit Site Icon
  3. Color: Light and Dark Color Scheme, WordPress Header Text and Background color
  4. Header Image: Option to add/edit Custom header image, enable/disable featured header image, add alt, title and link/URL, open link in new windows/tab and select Post/Page Featured Header image size
  5. Menus: Option to use Primary and Secondary Menu
  6. Breadcrumb Options: Option to enable/disable Breadcrumb on Homepage/Frontpage or Entire site and Option to change separator
  7. Additional CSS: Option to add your own CSS style to change the design as per you need
  8. Excerpt Options: Option to change Excerpt Length and Read More Text
  9. Homepage Category Setting: Select option to show post from selective category
  10. Icon Options: Open to Select/Add Fav Icon and Web Clip Icon images
  11. Layout Options:
    1. Default Layout: Option to choose from i. Primary Sidebar,content (Right Sidebar), ii. Content, Primary Content (Left Sidebar) and iii. No Sidebar (Content Width)
    2. Archive Content Layout: Option to choose from Show Excerpt (Image left) and Show Full Content (No Featured Image)
    3. Single Page/Post Image Layout: Option to enable/disable Single Page/Post Image Layout or Select Featured or Full Size as Single Page/Post Image
  12. Pagination Options: Option to choose Pagination type from Default, Numeric (Requires WP-PageNavi Plugin), Infinite Scroll(Click and Scroll: Requires JetPack Plugin with Infinite Scroll module enabled)
  13. Promotion Headline Options: Option to enable/disable Promotion Headline on Homepage/Frontpage or Entire site, edit Promotion Headline text, edit Promotion SubHeadline text, edit Promotion Headline Button Text, add/edit Promotion Headline Link and open link in new tab
  14. Search Options: Option to change the search box text
  15. Scroll Up Feature
  16. Featured Content: Option to disable/enable featured content on Homepage/Frontpage or entire site, option to select Featured Content layout from 3 columns and 4 columns, option to highlight your Featured pages as Featured Content and option to move featured content position above footer
  17. Featured Grid Content: Option to enable/disable featured grid content on Homepage/FrontPage or entire site and option to highlight your featured pages in grid content
  18. Social Links: 27 different social icons to choose from
  19. Widget Areas: 4 Widget Areas. That is, i. Primary Sidebar, ii. Footer Area One, iii. Footer Area Two and iv. Footer Area Three

Additional Features in “Gridalicious Pro” Premium Theme:

  1. Header Image: Additional option to select featured header image position
  2. Menus:
    1. Additional 2 Menus which totals to 4 custom menus: Primary Menu, Secondary Menu, Header Right Menu and Footer Menu
    2. Additional option to disable/enable Primary Menu and disable/enable search box in Primary Menu
  3. Comment Options: Option to enable/disable comments, notes and website field
  4. Feed Redirect: Option to redirect your feed to feedburner
  5. Font Family Options: Option to choose Default Font Family, Site Title and Tagline (Description) Font Family, Content Title Font Family, Headings Font Family and Content Body Font Family
  6. Footer Editor Option: Option to edit/delete footer text
  7. Header Right Options: New header right sidebar widget area. Where you can add widget to replace default right sidebar content or add more widgets to header right sidebar. Also have option to disable header right section
  8. Layout Options:
    1. Default Layout Options: Additional 2 default layouts, which makes a total of 5 Default Layout Options: i. Primary Sidebar, Content (Left Sidebar), ii. Content, Primary Sidebar (Right Sidebar), iii. No Sidebar (Content Width), iv. No Sidebar (One Column), v.No Sidebar (Full Width)
    2. Archive Content Layout: Additional 2 content layouts, which makes a total of 4 Content layouts: i. Show Excerpt(Image Left), ii. Show Excerpt (Image Right), iii. Show Excerpt (Image Top) and iv. Show Full Content (No Featured Image)
  9. Responsive Design Options: Additional option to disable/enable responsive design
  10. Scroll Up: Option to disable/enable scroll up
  11. Update Notifier: Option to disable/enable Theme Update notifications
  12. Color Options: Additional option to use color picker to change various Basic Color Options, Header Color Options, Content Color Options, Sidebar Color Options, Pagination Color Options, Footer Color Options, Promotion Headline Color Options, Scrollup Color Options, Featured Grid Content Color Options, Featured Content Color Options, Primary Menu Color Options, Secondary Menu Color Options, Header Right Color Options and Footer Menu Color Options
  13. Featured Content Options: Additional 3 featured content types, which makes a total of 4 featured content types: i. Featured Post Content, Featured Page Content, Featured Category Content and Featured Image Content
  14. Featured Grid Content Options: Additional 3 featured grid content types, which makes a total of 4 featured grid content types: i. Featured Post Grid Content, Featured Page Grid Content, Featured Category Grid Content and Featured Image Grid Content
  15. Social Links: Additional option to add upto 10 custom social icons and links
  16. Widget Areas: Additional 10 widget areas registered which makes a total of 14 Sidebars registered. That is, 1.Primary Sidebar, 2. Optional Homepage Sidebar, 3. Optional Archive Sidebar, 4. Optional Page Sidebar, 5. Optional Post Sidebar, 6. Optional Sidebar One, 7. Optional Sidebar Two, 8. Optional Sidebar Three, 9. Page Not Found Content, 10. Footer Area One, 11. Footer Area Two and 12. Footer Area Three, 13. Footer Area Four, 14. Header Right

Installation Using the WordPress Administration Panel #

  1. Download Gridalicious Pro from your Catch Themes member My-Account to your Desktop
  2. Log in to the WordPress Administration Panel
  3. Go to “Appearance => Themes => Add New”
  4. Click on “Uploads” and Browse the downloaded file from the desktop where you have it downloaded
  5. Click on “Install Now” and then “Activate” to install the Theme

Manual Installation using FTP

To add a new Theme to your WordPress installation, follow these basic steps:

  1. Download Gridalicious Pro from your Catch Themes member My-Account to your Desktop
  2. Unzip to your Desktop
  3. Using an FTP client to access your host web server. Go to /wp-content/themes/ and make sure that you do not already have a gridalicions-pro folder installed. If you do, then back it up and remove it from /wp-content/themes/ before uploading your copy of Gridalicious Pro
  4. Upload Gridalicious Pro to /wp-content/themes/
  5. Activate Gridalicious Pro through “Appearance => Themes”, in your WordPress Dashboard

Updating Theme Using the Administration Panel #

You can update Themes directly from the Administration Panel using Catch Updater plugin. Click here to read details about Catch Updater plugin.

Updating Theme Using FTP

To update Theme though FTP, follow these basic steps:

  1. Download the latest version of Gridalicious Pro from your Catch Themes member My-Account to your Desktop
  2. Unzip to your Desktop
  3. Using an FTP client to access your host web server, go to /wp-content/themes/ and upload your new copy of Gridalicious Pro Theme which shall replace the old files

This theme relies heavily on Featured Images. If your post is missing a Featured Image, the post image will not show up on homepage, on archived pages and on Featured Page Grid Content. Click Here to see how to add Featured Image in your Post/Page.

Image Sizes:

Featured Image
Width: 780px
Height: 439px

Featured Grid
Width: 800px
Height: 450px

Featured Content
Width: 400px
Height: 225px

Featured Header
Width: 1200px
Height: 514px

Custom Header Image
Width: Flexible (recommended width 1200px)
Height : Flexible (recommended height 514px)

How to add Featured Image in Post/Page?

  1. Open the editor of the post/page where you want to display image, and locate the Featured Image module in the bottom right corner under Page Attributes. Click on Choose a Featured Image.
  2. Then you can either upload the image from your computer or select the existing image from your media library and click on Set Featured Image.Click to view screenshot
  3. For more detail, click here to watch video Screencast

Regenerate Thumbnails #

If you have just changed your theme then you need to regenerate image thumbnail for post published before activating this theme. You can simply install Regenerate Thumbnails Plugin. Then Regenerate Thumbnails through “Tools => Regen. Thumbnails” in your WordPress Dashboard.

Widgets #

Gridalicious Pro currently has 14 widgetized (Sidebar) areas that are 1.Primary Sidebar, 2. Optional Homepage Sidebar, 3. Optional Archive Sidebar, 4. Optional Page Sidebar, 5. Optional Post Sidebar, 6. Optional Sidebar One, 7. Optional Sidebar Two, 8. Optional Sidebar Three, 9. Page Not Found Content, 10. Footer Area One, 11. Footer Area Two and 12. Footer Area Three, 13. Footer Area Four, 14. Header Right. You can add a variety of Widgets to this theme from “Appearance => Widgets” or “Appearance => Customize => Widgets” in WordPress.

Gridalicious Pro offers exciting Menu Options! This theme supports and recommends using “Custom Menus”. You can create Custom Menu through “Appearance => Menus” from your WordPress Dashboard.

Select Menu Locations
You can assign your custom menu in 4 different locations. You assign it either from “Appearance => Customize => Navigation” or from “Appearance => Menus => Manage Locations”
Select your Custom Menu as Primary Menu to display it as the Main Menu, which will replace the default Page Menu
Select your custom menu as Secondary Menu to display Menu below Primary Menu
Select your custom menu as Header Right Menu to display Menu in Header Right Sidebar Area
Select your custom menu as Footer Menu to display Menu in Footer Area

Note: Footer Menu doesn’t support dropdown sub-menus

Customizer (Theme Options) #

You can customize this theme using cool additional features through Customizer at “Appearance => Customize” from your WordPress Dashboard.

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Site Identity”
  2. You can replace the default logo by clicking on it, or click on “Add new Image”
  3. Then you can either upload the image from your computer or select the existing image from your media library
  4. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

How to enable/disable Site Title and Tagline #

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Site Identity”
  2. Uncheck “Display Site Title and Tagline” and it will display Site Title and Tagline
  3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

How to add Site Icon (Favicon/Web Clip Icon)? #

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Site Identity => Site Icon”
  2. Click on “Select Image” and then you can either upload the image from your computer or select the existing image from your media library
  3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”
  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Header Image”
  2. Now, select enable options in “Enable Featured Header Image on”
  3. Click on “Add New Image” to add new header image
  4. Then you can either upload the image from your computer or select the existing image from your media library
  5. Click on “Select and Crop” and you can either crop image or skip cropping
  6. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

Note: If you want to move header Image Position, choose the position of header below “Featured Header Image Position”

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Menu Options”
  2. Click on “Check to disable Primary Menu” to disable primary menu
  3. Click on “Check to disable search box in Primary Menu” to disable search box in primary menu
  4. Click on “Select and Crop” and you can either crop image or skip cropping
  5. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

How to enable Breadcrumb and change separator? #

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Breadcrumb Options”
  2. Check option “Check to enable Breadcrumb” to enable Breadcrumb
  3. To enable Breadcrumb on Homepage, check option “Check to enable Breadcrumb on Homepage”
  4. To change the separator between Breadcrumbs, use desired separator below “Separator between Breadcrumbs”
  5. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

Comment Options #

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Comment Options”
  2. Under “Comment Option” select desired option from Use WordPress setting, Disable in Pages and Disable Completely
  3. To disable note below comments box, check option “Check to Disable Notes”
  4. To disable website field, check option “Check to Disable Website Field”
  5. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

How to Change the Excerpt Length and More Tag Text? #

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Excerpt Options”
  2. Type in the Excerpt Length as in, the number of words, and More Tag Text
  3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

Feed Redirect #

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Feed Redirect”
  2. Add Feed link below “Feed Redirect”
  3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

Note: If you custom feed(s) are not handled by Feedblitz or Feedburner, do not use Redirect Options.

How to select different font for different sections? #

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Font Family Options”
  2. Select desired font below each given section
  3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

How to Set Certain Categories to Display in Homepage/Frontpage? #

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Homepage/Frontpage Options”
  2. Then select the category you want, and you may select multiple categories by holding down the CTRL key
  3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

How to add Fav Icon and Web Clip Icon? #

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Icon Options”
  2. Click on “No Image” below “Select/Add Favicon” and click on “select a file” or drop Fav Icon Image in “Drop a file here or select a file” area to add Fav Icon
  3. Click on “No Image” below “Select/Add Web Clip Icon” and click on “select a file” or drop Web Clip Icon Image in “Drop a file here or select a file” area to add Web Clip Icon
  4. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

Note: Remove icon images to disable Fav Icon and Web Clip Icon. Recommended size for Web clip icon- Width: 144px and Height: 144px, which will support high resolution devices like iPad Retina.

Layout Options #

Gridalicious Pro has 5 Default Layout options, 4 Archive Content Layout options and 3 page/post image layout to choose from “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Layout Options”

Default Layout Options
Once you are in Layout Options, you can Check the box below “Default Layout Options” which will set our site layout. Further, you have the choice of selecting custom layout for individual pages and posts through “Gridalicious Options => Layout Options”, which you shall find below individual posts and pages, when you click on them for adding/editing.

Archive Content Layout
Once you are in Layout Options, you can Check the box below “Archive Content Layout” which will set our site archive layout.

Single Page/Post Image Layout
Once you are in Layout Options, you can Check the box below “Single Page/Post Image Layout” which will set our posts/page image layout. Further, you have the choice of selecting Single Page/Post Image Layout for individual pages and posts through “Gridalicious Options => Single Page/Post Image Layout”, which you shall find below individual posts and pages, when you click on them for adding/editing.

Further option to show/hide meta information on archive
For this option please follow following steps:

  1. Go to Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Layout Option
  2. Check option, “Check to hide meta information on archive pages” to hide meta information and uncheck to show
  3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

How to edit individual posts/pages layout?
This can be achieved through custom meta box by following the steps below:

  1. Go to Add/Edit option of Page/Post
  2. There you can find Gridalicious Options
  3. Then click on Layout Options
  4. You select required option under “Default”
  5. Finally Click on “Publish/Update”

How to select optional sidebar for individual Page/Post?
This can be achieved through custom meta box by following the steps below:

  1. Go to Add/Edit option of Page/Post
  2. There you can find Gridalicious Options
  3. Then click on Select Sidebar
  4. You can make the required changes by clicking on options under “Select Sidebar”
  5. Finally Click on “Publish/Update”

How to enable/disable Header Featured Image for individual Page/Post?
This can be achieved through custom meta box by following the steps below:

  1. Go to Add/Edit option of Page/Post
  2. There you can find Gridalicious Options
  3. Then click on Header Featured Image Options
  4. You can select option “Enable or Disbale”
  5. Finally Click on “Publish/Update”

How to select Single Page/Post Image Layout for individual Page/Post?
This can be achieved through custom meta box by following the steps below:

  1. Go to Add/Edit option of Page/Post
  2. There you can find Gridalicious Options
  3. Then click on Single Page/Post Image Layout
  4. You can select option “Featured, Slider, Full Size or Disable Image”
  5. Finally Click on “Publish/Update”

How to change Pagination Options? #

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Pagination Options”
  2. Under Pagination Type, select desired option
  3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

How to add Promotion Headline? #

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Promotion Headeline Options”
  2. To enable it, you need to select option from “Enable Headline on”
  3. Then, you can change the default text as needed or delete it to remove any fields
  4. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

How to disable Responsive Style? #

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Resonsive Options”
  2. Check option “Check to disable responsive style”
  3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

How to disable Footer Mobile Menu? #

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Resonsive Options”
  2. Check option “Check to disable footer mobile menu”
  3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

How to disable Scrollup feature? #

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Scrollup Options”
  2. Check option “Check to disable Scroll Up”
  3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

How to change default text in search box? #

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Search Options”
  2. Change the text below “Display Default Text in Search”
  3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

How to disable Theme Update Notifications? #

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Update Notifier Options”
  2. Check option “Check to disable update notifications”
  3. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

Additional CSS #

You can add your custom CSS that will overwrite the theme CSS for further design customization through “Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS”, in your WordPress Dashboard.

Note: If you are doing heavy customization and adding lot of additional css then we recommended to build Child Theme and add it in your child theme style.css file. Read More about child theme…

Color Options #

Gridalicious Pro has 2 different color schemes that you can choose from, and further you can customize individual colors of various elements in the site through Color Picker options categorized in section such as Basic Color Options, Header Color Options, Content Color Options, Sidebar Color Options, Pagination Color Options, Footer Color Options, Promotion Headline Color Options, Scrollup Color Options, Featured Grid Color Options, Featured Content Color Options, Primary Menu Color Options, and Footer Menu Color Options.

To change the colors, go to “Appearance => Customize => Color Options”, then select Color Scheme, change individual colors and then click on “Save & Publish”

Gridalicious Pro supports 4 featured content types to choose from: Featured Post Content, Featured Page Content, Featured Category Content and Featured Image Content. For Featured Content Options, go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Content Options”.

Featured Image Content:
Featured Image Content is created to highlight independent images in the featured content. This option gives you full control to upload your own independent image, with title (optional), content (optional), optional link and target. Just use the following simple steps to add in the Featured Image Content.

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Content Options” from your WordPress Dashboard
  2. Under “Featured Content Type”, Select Content Type as “Featured Image Content”
  3. Here you can change the number of featured content, upload images, connecting to an image link, adding in headline, sub-headline, title, content, and setting target to open link in a new window as needed
  4. Under “Featured Content Settings”, you can change settings such as “Enable Featured Content, Featured Content Layout and Move Position” as per your need
  5. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

Featured Page Content:
Featured page content is created to highlight your Page in the featured content. So, first you need to create a Page and then add Featured Image to the Page.

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Content Options” from your WordPress Dashboard
  2. Under “Featured Content Type”, you need to select “Featured Page Content”
  3. Here you can change the number of featured content and select your pages in “Featured Page #”
  4. Under “Featured Content Settings”, you can change settings such as “Enable Featured Content, Featured Content Layout and Move Position” as per your need
  5. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

When you select page, make sure your Page have Featured Image. Click here to watch our Video Screencast to add Featured Image.

Featured Post Content:
Featured post content is created to highlight your Post in the featured content. So, first you need to create a Post and then add Featured Image to the Post.

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Content Options” from your WordPress Dashboard
  2. Under “Featured Content Type”, you need to select “Featured Post Content”
  3. Here you can change the number of featured content and add in your Post IDs in “Featured Post #”
  4. Under “Featured Content Settings”, you can change settings such as “Enable Featured Content, Featured Content Layout and Move Position” as per your need
  5. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

When you select post, make sure your Post have Featured Image. Click here to watch our Video Screencast to add Featured Image.

Featured Category Content
Featured category content is created to highlight your posts from specific categories in the featured content. So, first you need to create a Post, add Featured Image to the post and assign posts to specific category.

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Content Options” from your WordPress Dashboard
  2. Under “Featured Content Type”, you need to select “Featured Category Content”
  3. Here you can change the number of featured content and from “Select Categories” you can either select the category you want or select multiple categories by holding down the CTRL key
  4. Under “Featured Content Settings”, you can change settings such as “Enable Featured Content, Featured Content Layout and Move Position” as per your need
  5. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

When you select categories, make sure your Posts in those categories have Featured ImageClick here to watch our Video Screencast to add Featured Image.

Gridalicious Pro supports 4 featured grid content options types to choose from: Featured Post Grid Content, Featured Page Grid Content, Featured Category Grid Content and Featured Image Grid Content. For Featured Grid Content Options, go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Grid Content Options”.

Featured Image Grid Content:
Featured Image Grid Content is created to highlight independent images in the grid content. This grid content gives you full control to upload your own independent image, with title (optional), content (optional), optional link and target. Just use the following simple steps to add in the Featured Image Grid Content.

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Grid Content Options” from your WordPress Dashboard
  2. Under “Featured Grid Content Type”, Select Grid Content Type as “Featured Image Grid Content”
  3. Here you can change the number of featured content, upload images, connecting to an image link, adding in the title, content, and setting target to open link in a new window as needed
  4. Under “Featured Grid Content Settings”, you can change setting “Enable Grid Content”
  5. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

Featured Page Grid Content

Features page grid content is created to highlight your Page in the grid content. So, first you need to create a Page and then add Featured Image to the Page.

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Grid Content Options” from your WordPress Dashboard
  2. Under “Featured Grid Content Type”, you need to select “Featured Page Grid Content”
  3. Here you can change the of featured content and select your pages in “Featured Page #”
  4. Under “Featured Grid Content Settings”, you can change setting “Enable Grid Content”
  5. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

When you select page, make sure your page have Featured Image. Click here to watch our Video Screencast to add Featured Image.

Featured Post Grid Content

Features post grid content is created to highlight your Post in the grid content. So, first you need to create a Post and then add Featured Image to the Post.

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Grid Content Options” from your WordPress Dashboard
  2. Under “Featured Grid Content Type”, you need to select “Featured Post Grid Content”
  3. Here you can change the number of featured content and add in your Post IDs in “Featured Post #”
  4. Under “Featured Grid Content Settings”, you can change setting “Enable Grid Content”
  5. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

When you select post, make sure your post have Featured Image. Click here to watch our Video Screencast to add Featured Image.

Featured Category Grid Content

Features category grid content is created to highlight your posts from specific categories in the grid content. So, first you need to create a Post, add Featured Image to the post and assign posts to specific category.

  1. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Grid Content Options” from your WordPress Dashboard
  2. Under “Featured Grid Content Type”, you need to select “Featured Category Grid Content”
  3. Here you can change the number of featured and from “Select Grid Content Type” you can either select the category you want or select multiple categories by holding down the CTRL key
  4. Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

When you select categories, make sure your posts in those categories have Featured Image. Click here to watch our Video Screencast to add Featured Image.

Social Media Icons #

Gridalicious Pro has custom social icons for various social networking sites. You can activate the social icons you want by adding in your social profile links through “Appearance => Customize => Social Links => Social Links”, in your WordPress Dashboard.

Further, you can add your own custom social image, title, links through “Appearance => Customize => Social Links => Custom Social Links”, in your WordPress Dashboard.

You can edit/delete the copyright and Theme information in the Footer. To edit/delete the footer text you need to go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Footer Editor Options”. Here you will see the default text and then you edit/remove text as per your need. You can add custom HTML and/or shortcodes, which will be automatically inserted into your theme. After this click on “Save & Publish”

Embed Multimedia into Posts or Pages #

For externally hosted videos (for example a YouTube or Vimeo video), you can directly paste the link of your video page into the content editor. You do not necessarily have to paste the embed code in the content. WordPress will automatically embed the video from the link.

Webmaster Tools #

We have moved Webmaster Tools to our plugin Catch Web Tools for better management and data access. So, just install Catch Web Tools plugin and activate “Webmaster Tools” from Catch Web Tools plugin dashboard. You can verify your site on Google, Yahoo and Bing by adding in the IDs in the respective boxes through “Catch Web Tools => Webmaster Tools” in your WordPress Dashboard. Further, you can add in the Google Analytic. Adding scripts in Header and Footer does not require you to edit codes through Webmaster Tools.

How to Insert Site Verification IDs?

  1. Go to “Catch Web Tools => Webmaster Tools => Site Verification” in your WordPress Dashboard
  2. Enter the Site Verification ID (Google, Yahoo, Bing) wherever you wish to verify your site
  3. Click on Save Changes button

How to Insert Analytics / Other Scripts in Header/Footer?

  1. Go to “Catch Web Tools => Webmaster Tools => Header and Footer Scripts” in your WordPress Dashboard
  2. Here you can add in various scripts like, google, facebook etc.
  3. Enter the script in upper text area, for text you want to load on Header
  4. Enter the script in lower text area, for text you want to load on Footer
  5. Click on Save Changes button

Recommended Plugins
* Catch Web Tools for Webmaster Tools, To Top, Catch IDs
* Essential Content Type
* Contact Form 7 for Contact Form
* WP-PageNavi for Numeric Pagination
* Regenerate Thumbnails to for Regenerating Thumbnails
* Jetpack for Infinite Scroll, Gallery, Stats, Image CDN and many more

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