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Photo Journal Pro 4.1 Update with WP Travel Plugin Support

Photo Journal Pro 4.1 Thumbnail

A brand new version of our Premium Dark Photography WordPress theme, Photo Journal Pro is here. Photo Journal Pro 4.1 now comes with WP Travel Support and some coding refinements. You can now use our Photo Journal Pro theme for your Travel sites as well. Woohoo!

Photo Journal Pro 4.1 update has introduced full compatibility with WP Travel plugin, a popular Travel WordPress Plugin. In addition, you will get five amazing travel features and a brand new Travel demo.

After you install the WP Travel plugin, you will get five fully-customizable Travel features. For instance, Featured Trips, Latest Trips, Trip Activities, Trip Destinations, and Trip Filter.

Including these exclusive travel features, we have also added a brand new Photo Journal Travel Demo. It is ideal for all travel industry-related sites. You can directly import the demo to get your travel site ready quickly and efficiently.

So, now let’s have a quick look at the new features in the Photo Journal Pro 4.1 update.

Photo Journal Pro 4.1 Updates

WP Travel Plugin Support

As mentioned above, we have added full compatibility with the WP Travel WordPress plugin in Photo Journal Pro 4.1. As soon as you install and activate the WP Travel plugin, five new exciting sections will be added to your theme customizer. You can use these sections to further enhance your travel website and display the crucial aspects of your travel business. The newly added travel sections/features include:

WP Travel: Featured Trips

The Featured Trips section helps you display your most interesting and important trips. You display your most popular trips or the trips you want your visitors to see. It is a must-have section to engage your audience and make your travel site user-friendly. With Photo Journal Pro 4.1 update, you will also get transition customization and image loader option.

WP Travel: Latest Trips

The Latest Trips option allows you to display the recent trips you’ve been to in an elegant manner. You can add as many trips as you wish from Dashboard > Trips > Add New. The Latest Trip section will display the recent trips you added on the Trips section.

WP Travel: Trip Activities

On the Trip Activities section, you can display various activities you can do on your trips. For instance, Sight Seeing, Paragliding, Boating, Cycling, Hiking, and many others. The section will be helpful for those who seek specific activities before selecting their travel destinations.

WP Travel: Trip Destinations

The Trip Destinations section allows you to display different places where your visitors can go for a trip. You can also use this section to showcase exotic countries or destinations where trips are currently available.

WP Travel: Trip Filter

The Trip Filter section is basically to enhance the search results. With this handy section, your visitors can easily search for trips by filling the keywords. The results are more accurate and visitors can also choose to display the results from specific destinations or trip types. Simple, quick, and extremely handy feature it is.

New Travel Demo

Photo Journal Pro 4.1 comes with a brand new travel demo – Photo Journal Travel. The demo includes all the new travel features and functionalities with a fresh travel design. Import the demo and get your travel site ready in just a few minutes.

You can import any of the demo content from the Photo Journal and apply it to your site. You can install and activate the Catch Themes Demo Import plugin to import the demo you desire.

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