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Adding features to Alchemist pro – how can I do these please.

I've just purchased Alchemist Pro (AP) after extensive consideration between this and Clean Enterprise Pro (CEP)- as the best for me all things considered. There are a couple of features in the CEP theme that are lacking in AP. I was wondering whether it is possible to get code to include those? (if it matters, I've created a child theme to make all adjustments in). Menu appearance In the Clean Enterprise Pro theme when a drop down menu is selected the head item (in the menu bar) changes colour and there is a line above the sub-menu options to delineate it from the top menu.options drop downs. This I imagine is achieved through CSS - are you able to provide the relevant code for me please? In the Adventurous Pro theme (the one I used on this site prior to moving to Alchemist Pro) the menu bar is a solid colour (black) with white text. This would similarly be CSS - are you able to provide the relevant code for me please? Your assistance is greatly appreciated Slider I know this one may be more difficult to achieve, but is it POSSIBLE to add the Featured Slider:Image Overlay and Featured Slider: Content Alignment features added to the AP theme somehow? Thanks
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