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Introducing Darcie Pro – A Dark Photography WordPress Theme

Want to build a professional Photography website for your business? Our latest release, Darcie Pro is the best solution for you! Set up your dark, sleek photography website in just a few minutes with Darcie Pro!

Photography is a creative form of art and exposing them online can help to promote and grow your business. While building a professional photography website or a blog, you need to make sure it includes all the captivating features and functionalities. And the best option is to go for a strikingly bold WordPress theme for photography that is ready to set your photography website live. So, in order to get you going as soon as you’re online, we’re releasing a new premium Dark Photography WordPress theme, Darcie Pro.

Darcie Pro – A Dark Photography WordPress Theme

Darcie Pro is a Premium Dark Photography WordPress theme for all photo-centric websites and blogs. The theme is ideal for photographers, graphic designers, creative artists, freelancers, and more. The dark color scheme in Darcie Pro gives your website a bold and beautiful design, making it extra charming and graceful. Dozens of specific, customizable portfolio and gallery settings have been included in the theme. With bold design and awesome features, Darcie Pro is the best dark Photography WordPress theme to go for if you want to expose and grow your photography business. Whether you are an amateur or a professional photographer, your skills and talent will be displayed elegantly and your website will look professional and classy.

This premium dark photography WordPress theme is power-packed with awesome features and sections. All the sections included in the theme are completely responsive and extremely easy to use. Features like Contact Form, Contact Map, Countdown, Events, Featured Slider, Featured Video, Gallery, Logo Slider, Promotion Headline, Services, Stats, and more have been included in the theme. The sections are highly customizable and you can tweak these sections to give your website a unique look and feel. Along with the mentioned features, the theme also provides a powerful set of tools for devising and developing awesome photography websites in only a matter of minutes.

Moreover, Darcie Pro is mobile-ready and fully flexible, working like a dream all the time. It is also optimized for fast loading speed and SEO. With many elements that Darcie Pro brings to the table, you can now quickly run your ideal photo-first website.

With that being said, let’s now have a detailed look at the features in Darcie Pro.

Major Features in Darcie Pro

Contact Form

Darcie Pro provides you the option to display your contact info to your visitors in the most informative way possible. In the Contact Form section, you can add and display a quick contact form for your visitors. You can add your Address Label, Address, Email Label, Email, Phone Label, Phone, Content Type, Description, and more.


Our new dark photography WordPress theme also comes with On the Contact Map section, you can either choose a custom code or add an image of your location.


You might want to provide your visitors with something a little extra for events or any interesting news for them. In order to keep the excitement mounting for such events or releases, Darcie Pro supports the Countdown feature. The feature allows you to set the ending date and provides a bunch of other crucial customization options as well including a thumbnail image.


The events section will allow you to display events that you’ve been or going to be a part of. You can choose to display the events either on the homepage only or the entire website. Also, choose the content type – Post, Page, Category, Custom, or Custom Post Type and display them elegantly.

Featured Slider

On the Featured Slider option, you can display up to 20 featured content post types. You can choose your slider content from Post, Page, Category, or Custom. If you have content that is interesting and want your audience to visit them, you can add a quick slide and display them on the Featured Slider section. There’s a bunch of customization options as well. For instance, transition effect, nav arrows, nav dots, loop, autoplay, and more.

Featured Video

You must feature your latest and most popular videos for your visitors. So, Darcie Pro features a Featured Video section to do the job for you. Enable your featured video either on the homepage or the entire website. Give your featured video an attractive title, subtitle, and informative description. Two different style options are available as well. Also, we suggest you add a background image as a fallback while your featured video loads.


Your visitors might search up for your galleries to observe your business closely. Display exciting and engaging galleries on your online store with the Gallery feature available in Darcie Pro. Simply install Catch Gallery to showcase the galleries; the plugin is absolutely free. With this simple free plugin installed and activated, you will get an array of gallery customization options. For instance, choose the content type from Post, Page, and Category, Section Tagline, Display Title, Button Text, and Button Link.

Logo Slider

Darcie Pro comes with the Logo Slider feature. It allows you to display different logos in a slideshow on your photography website quickly and easily. You can showcase the logo slideshow either on the Homepage or the entire website in 1-5 columns. You can choose the transition time and length for your logo slider. Also, you can choose your logo slider type—post, page, category, or custom. Few option customization options are available as well like Autoplay, Loop, Navigation Arrows, and more.

Promotion Headline

This premium dark photography WordPress theme provides the promotion headline feature. The features will help you grab your visitors’ attention quickly. This feature allows you to promote anything you want from post, page, category, or custom. You can also choose the content position as to where you want your promotion headline with the text alignment. This feature is there to promote your content or products that are more important at the time.


The Services feature allows you to display the photography services you provide. You can display your services either on the homepage or the entire website. Also, you can choose your content from (post, page, category, custom, or custom post type) as well. Moreover, the Button Text and Button Link are also editable.


Display your strengths in numbers with the Stats feature. Your first-time visitors are likely to build trust in you and your online business only after knowing that you’re excellent at what you do, what you deliver and your services are of top-notch. And, in order to showcase the achievements of your business, the Stats section serves you well. You can add a section tagline, section title, and the number of items to display. Choose the content type from Post, Page, Category, or Custom.

One-Click Dark Photography Demo

Darcie Pro comes with a ready-to-import, one-click dark photography demo for photo-centric sites. You can build your photography website with just a few clicks with the available photography demo. The demo includes all the powerful features and functionalities available in Darcie Pro.

You can import the Photography Demo in Darcie Pro and apply it to your site with a single click. You can install and activate the  Catch Themes Demo Import plugin to import the demo.


To conclude, Darcie Pro is the ultimate solution for all those who want to build a professional online photography business profile. The theme is striking, bold, and beautiful; a whole package of boldness and class. Your photography skills are displayed professionally and your most powerful capabilities are always at the forefront.

Darcie Pro is fully responsive and your photography website looks absolutely incredible with the theme installed and activated. Also, the theme is translation-ready and cross-browser compatible.

Make your photography skills shine and grow your photography business with Darcie Pro!

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