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Corporacy Pro 1.1 Now Comes with a Corporacy Classic Demo and Enhanced Features

Our Premium Corporate WordPress theme, Corporacy Pro just got better! Corporacy Pro 1.1 now comes with a new Corporacy Classic Demo and enhanced features.

Corporacy Pro 1.1 update comes with a new Style Two option in the Services section and a Secondary Gradient Background color option for the newly added Classic Color Scheme. Also, Corporacy Pro 1.1 now comes with a new Corporate Demo with classic header style – Corporacy Classic.

With this being said, let’s now have a look at the newly added features in Corporacy Pro 1.1.

New Features and Enhancements in Corporacy Pro 1.1

Services Section

The Services section allows you to display what kind of services you provide to your audience. Now, with the new update, you can choose from two different style options on how you want the Services section to be displayed.

Color Scheme

Under the Colors option, you can choose a base color scheme to instantly change the colors of different areas in your site according to the color scheme you choose. Corporacy Pro has now added a new Color Scheme, Classic. You can choose the background first and second colors for your gradient look and make your site visually aesthetic.

New Corporate Demo in Corporacy Pro 1.1

Corporacy Pro v1.1 now comes with a brand new one-click Corporate demo – Corporacy Classic. This new demo comes with a sleek corporate design with a classic header style. You can import the new corporate demo if you want to build a professional corporate site with a classic header design for businesses of all kinds.

Import any of the demo content from Corporacy, the free Corporate WordPress theme, and apply it to your site easily. You can install and activate the Catch Themes Demo Import plugin to import the demo you desire.

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