WP says update 4.8.2 available. But, cannot update
Hi all,
My company is running the Catch Box Pro theme on our website, which has been under development for quite some time. I went ahead and updated out WP to the latest version, and then went to update the themes as well.
I get a message that we're currently running v4.1, and that there's an update to v4.8.2 available. I selected the theme to update and clicked the Update Themes button.
At first, I received:
Fatal error: Cannot call overloaded function for non-object in /home/rd255/public_html/wp-includes/l10n.php on line 92
Then, when I went back to the themes page and tried it again I no longer get the line error above. However, I do get
An error occurred while updating Catch Box Pro: Update package not available.
How does one update the them if it is not available? As a side note, I'm running a child theme copy of the Catch Box Pro. But, that's not the theme which is giving me the error when trying to update. It's the stock theme which I kept amongst the four other themes on our site. FWIW, Twenty-Thirteen, Twenty-Fourteen and Twenty-Fifteen updated just fine.