Site icon Catch Themes

White Space Under Featured Content Options

I changed the color of all elements of the theme including the site background. This has caused the space between the "Footer Menu" and the "Homepage Featured Content Options" to be white and the "top border" of the "Footer Menu" to remain BLUE, the default color of the theme. I am using following colors: Default Color Scheme: Light Menus Color Options: Footer Menu Color Options: Menu Background Color: #84927D Menu Text Color: #fff Menu Hover & Active Background Color: #3F532B Menu Hover & Active Text Color: #fff Sub-Menu Background Color: #84927D Sub-Menu Text Color: #fff The same color options are used for the Primary and the Secondary Menus. Slider Color Options: Slider Background Color: #9aaa92 Slider Border Bottom Color: #9aaa92 Slider Controller Background Color: #21759b Slider Controller Arrow Color: #fff Slider Content Background Color: #21759b Slider Content Text Color: #fff Site Color Options: Custom Background Color: #d1c5a1 Header Background Color: #9aaa92 Content Background Color: #9aaa92 Footer Background Sidebar Color: #9aaa92 Footer Background Color: #9aaa92 Title Color: #222 Title Hover Color: #e6e8ea Meta Description Color: #757575 Text Color: #404040 Link Color: #84927D Sidebar Widget Title Color: #404040 Sidebar Widget Text Color: #600606 Sidebar Widget Link Color: #757575 Scroll Up Background Color: #000 Scroll Up Text Color: #fff I do not see how to attach the image of the homepage to this forum. To see the issue I am including my development web site address I would appreciate to let me know how to resolve this issue without modifying code. Thank you, Zia
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