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Static front page not showing any content

We started with block editor front page worked for a while , but then as we tweaked and worked the theme and built the site up with some plugins...we lost the home page content. Header, footer feateded elements of theme present themselves but the content of the home pgae would not display. Changed to anothe page (classic editor) and it would display, eventually this trick no longer worked and no mater what page we use for the 'home page' it fails to display contents. Disabled EVERY plugin and the problem remains Switched to anothe theme and all of our block content and classic editor content displays fine. Ran optimization tools, cleared cache, swept the database and no change Uninstalling theme and moving on..... Also had an issue with the primary menu not accepting color changes, this prevails on our production site and our test using both using the theme....obviously the theme is corrupt and we are moving on.....Catch Responsive Pro 4.6 Wordpress 5.6
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