Site icon Catch Themes

Single Column and Post Management

Hello, I have been using Simple Catch since first launching my site and now I have switched over to the Responsive Create Theme that you have designed. First off, great work thank you so much for providing such great services. I have a couple of questions though: Here is my URL: 1. I would like to have the main content on the non-static page with just one column with the sidebar on the left, the same as it appears when clicking through to a category page such as Recipes: This is in effort to attain a front page more like Simple Catch is set up. Specifically, I'm looking for posts only with the Story category to be on the front page. 2. Hiding the Featured Image after clicking through to the post: 3. How can I extend the Read More link to include more characters, this goes hand-in-hand with Number 1. I'm trying to make it so I can show images that are in the posts on the Front and Category pages (On posts without a Featured Image). As an example: Is a post that has no writing and only the title will appear outside of it's URL. I'm not sure if this is an issue with the character count or something else that is hiding the images on purpose. As another example: Has a paragraph and then an image. While using Simple Catch I was able to have the Read More after the image, but that doesn't happen here. Even my introductory paragraph is being cut short. 4. Is there a way to change the FavIcon? I can't seem to find a location to specify the image I'd like. 5. After going to the Theme Instructions: I found that under the Custom CSS #, it gives the road “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Custom CSS Options” but I do not see the Custom CSS Options anywhere. I'm guessing that it the area with the same name in Simple Catch, but if I'm wrong and this isn't something missing from the creator's part, could you point me in the right direction? 6. Finally, probably unrelated to the theme, is there a specific URL for the entire archive? Currently my Archive link in the menu is only set up to handle the 2014 year: I hope this is not too much to ask help for. Thanks for your help!
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