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Removing custom slider from pages

Hello, My site is Sakin was helping me a couple of months ago and I'm just now attempting to finish the site. I now have a custom (Slide Deck) slider working nicely, however it is on every page and I'd like this to only appear on the homepage. I'm sorry but my php skills are presently lacking. Here is my child theme functions.php:
// Removing the Default Slider
function unhook_catcheverest_functions() {

	remove_action( 'catcheverest_before_main', 'catcheverest_slider_display', 10 );
add_action( 'init', 'unhook_catcheverest_functions' );

// Adding New Slider Code
function catcheverest_child_slider() {
echo '<div id="main-slider" class="container">';
	//Add in your code in betwwen this bracket
	echo do_shortcode( '[SlideDeck2 id=281 ress=1]' );
echo '</div>';
add_action( 'catcheverest_before_main', 'catcheverest_child_slider', 10 );
Thanks again, the support on this theme has been fantastic so far! jpg
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