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Problems in Customising both [Button Border Color] & [Title Font Family]

Hi there. I have two distinct problems with the two features I bought the Pro version of Catch Wheels for. I searched botht he manual and the FAQs for Font and Color problems and did not find both of my problems in the help sections so far. My website is: if you want to look at it yourself. 1) Whenever I customise my colour scheme in the Catch Wheels Pro theme, the "Button Border Colour does not register as the colour I want it to be. I try to set it to #dd3333 (like I color all the elements that are default to orange) in the Customisation menu, but no matter what I do, it changes to the default orange value as soon as I reload the age, even when the red colour is still chosen in the customisation menu. 2) Whenever I try to change the Font thats used in the "Featured Slider" element at the top of the page, all changes result in a font that looks more like Comic Sans than the chosen font (Roboto, sans-serif in this case). I change the Fonts through [Customising > Theme Options > Font Family Options]. Is this information sufficient to you to assess my situation? Feeld free to ask questions about my prblems and I will answer them. Best wishes, Martin
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