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Problem with Plugin: Easy Digital Downloads

Hi, i have a little problem with the plugin "easy digital downloads". - To get the full funktionality of EDD I have to setup the Landingpage as a "Download". That's a special kind of Side. - On a normal “page”, I have the Catch Evolution menu “Catch Evolution Einstellungen”. But not on the "Download Page". - To design a good landing page i should coose a layout without the widget area. - The “Catch Evolution Einstellungen” Menu is on the “Download Page” not available. It just display the standard layout. It is with a widget area on the right side. The problem is. I can’t change the standard because of the “Home Page” there is no customization possibe. It just display the standard and i need the widgets there… - Do I have the possibity to get the to get that “catch evolution einstellungen metabox” onto that custom post type, which is “download” for Easy Digital Downloads. Have you got an Idea? Thak you very much!!!
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