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Posts in Home Page Repeated in Archives Page

I looked into the Foodie World Pro instruction, but I can't find a way to fix the issue of where my posts in the Home page show again in the Archives page (Recipes) after I clicked on the "More Posts" button at the buttom of the Home page. Is it possible to not show a preview of my posts in the Home page and show just the "More Posts" button at the buttom? Or not to show the posts again in the "Recipes" or "Archives" page - that are already displayed in the Home page - when "More Posts" button is clicked? Btw, I made Home page as my static page, and the Recipes page as my blog page. But my posts still shows in the Home page of which, it's okay if they don't show again in the Archives page. Furthermore, I am just curious why the "More Posts" button when clicked opens the Archives page instead of the my Recipes Posts/Blog page? Also, is there a way where I can make the Post Title the same font size or bigger than the "Continue Reading" font size? Because when it is viewed on the phone, the Post Title is smaller than the "Continue Reading" fonts. My website is Thanks Nick
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