No way to add Header Image
I will try to explain my problem. My Wordpress is fully updated.
It's in french to when I talk about a button or an option, it's perhaps not with the exact label.
I indicate them with simple quotes. Sorry.
With High Response theme and some others like Photfocus,
I want to set an Header Image.
So I navifgate to Appearance => Customize => Header Media => Header Imag,
Then I enable on 'Homepage/Frontage'
Then I click on 'Add a new image' button
So I'm fowarded to the Media to choose an image
I choose an image (enough large to be an header image) then click on 'Select and resize' button
Then, I'm forwarded to a new white page 'Resize image' with 2 tabs 'Umpload files' and 'Media'
But I do not see the selected image, the page is blank
And when I click on the 'Select end rezise' button, nothing changes!
So, No way to add an Header Image.
This problem is the same when I try with another themes like Photofocus.
Have you ever seen this issue?
Could you help me?
Thank you in advance