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Catch Themes

Need help removing posts from home page

Thank you for this theme. I am new to Wordpress (with only a basic knowledge of php) and found this theme the best,and easiest, for customizing a web site. I do have one issue that I can not seem to fix. I am using the "Home Page Featured Options" static home page. I would like to only have the three featured boxes on the home page and not the "post" information which shows up at the bottom. The post section will go away if I put the following in the custom CSS area: [code] #primary { display: none; }[/code] However, when I do that then I have no text appearing on the other pages because the php used for those pages includes the "primary" id. For my secondary pages I would like them to use the right sidebar layout with a generic "About" page. Thank you for your assistance.
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