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Menu / header changes after upgrade to Pro

Hi guys, I just updated my blog to the pro version of the Theme "my music band". After the installation, several changes have been made to the lay-out of my page. I'd like to change this, but I can't figure it out. The first problem I have is the fact that my main menu has changed. Before the upgrade, the top bar of my page mentioned pages such as "home, about, blog" etc. full out. Now it's only one menu button where all subcategories are hidden. Before I only saw this on the mobile version of my webpage, but now I also have this menu on the pc. How do I restore this to the way it was before? My second problem is the "news" header, right below the header photo. Below the news header a text came into existence, named: "from the blog". I would like to erase this text. Thanks for you time and effort guys!
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