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Menu (color) Menu (on iphone) And one column width

1. From the admin panel I know howto change colors, this one for exampel ▸ Color Options ▸ Primary Menu Color Options ▸ Menu Background color But how do I set the color with some transparency? For example rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6). 2. On my iPhone when i unfold the mobile menu i need to click each page twice and there also looks like there are some "on click" effect. The menu also do not add a linebreak after each page. 3. When I'm from the admin panel choose ▸ Theme Options ▸ Layout Options ▸ Default Layout ▸ No sidebar (One column) it looks like it does not fit on my iPhone, to logo also looks like it it a little bit to the left rather than centerad. Thanks in advance.
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