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how to remove *either* title *or* excerpt on featured slider?

Hi Sakin Firstly a massive thank you for such an excellent, clean, responsive and FREE theme - I'm new to WP but using your them have already built the foundations of a site which is better than one I tried using a paid-for 'premium' theme. Great work! I have one question - I understand how the featured image is used in the posts which are used to generate the slider content in Catch Everest Free, and I see that the page *title* and *content* are added too, superimposed on the slider image. I would like to use ONLY the excerpt - I saw the post already and edited the custom css with #main-slider .entry-container { display: none; } OK - which removes BOTH headings from the slider image. is there a way in which to keep the text generated by the post *content* and remove that which is generated by the post *title* please? Or, alteratively can i format the text (colour, size etc) of the text used by the title so its smaller, less bold etc - such that it looks like the non-bold text generated by the post content data? My ultimate aim being to have a small-ish easy to read bit of text overlaying each slider image.. My dev site currently: Thanks again for the superb theme! David
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