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Home & Blog Page

Hi there :-) A couple of questions I'm hoping you can help with for 1. I currently have my blog posts appearing on the front page which I'm happy with. I'd also like to have a blog page. Is it possible for them to appear on both? Eg, the latest appearing on the front page and all on the blog page? 2. I like have a 'home' titled page as I don't think everyone knows that you can click on the logo to get back to home. I've set one up on the site currently but when someone clicks on home I want it to go to the same location that they would get to if they were clicking the logo. Is this possible? 3. Is it possible to remove the text underneath the slider image? ie, the first few lines of the blog post and then continue reading? 4. How can I reduce the font size of the blog post headings on the front page? Font, colour etc are all fine, just want to reduce size. Thanks for your help!
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