Site icon Catch Themes

Header Media Height

I appreciate very much Clean Fotografie Theme that I have recently chosen among many others for my site I think it would be nice to have the option of slightly reducing the Header Media Height. The reason is that the Menu in Homepage initially lies on the bottom of this Media, until the user has performed a scroll (and then it goes up). This is a very nice effect, but it has the drawback that if any Menu item has sub-items, if the user hovers one this item, a small window showing the sub-items opens, this small window being under the Menu item, thus resulting invisible if the visitor has not yet scrolled down the browser (so moving up the menu). This results to be confusing to some user. In order to avoid this, the Header Media height should be reduced to an extent that allows user to see the small window containing Menu sub items when it appears. Alternatively, the small window should open above and not under the menu item when the menu has not yet been moved up due to the user having performed a scroll.
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