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Header Media

Skandha, I have a test site  Send me an email and I'll give you the password, I have the whole site password protected.    Here's my frustration, I size my header media to the suggested 1920x1080, so I shouldn't have any problem.  I never used to have this problem with headers, so I've spent way too much time trying to figure out why my headers are being cut off every time in live customizer.  When I upload a header, I "select and crop" and go to the next section it asks "skip cropping" or "crop".  I've done both ways, over and over, but the header is always either cutting off top and bottom and/or both sides.  When I play around with resizing the header and uploading, disregarding suggest size, I have to put all graphics in the center because they get cut off.  I'm so frustrated.  Looks good on chrome on my laptop, but crap on edge in my laptop, sometime like crap on my friends cell phone but not on mine.    I can't be the only person having this problem.  Is this a Wordpress update issue?   I shouldn't have to do a shortcode ... for a header.  It should be 100% responsive.  If it's a theme issue, it should be fixed and updated, am I right?  I'm not sure how all that works, just my assumption.  So, please send me an email, and I'll give you the password.  Thank you, Mares
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