Header Logo and Title Info Text Conflict
I have been hammering away trying to figure this out and honestly am just 'at the end of my day'. So I will post and sleep, so quick responses although appreciated are not required.
I am having some issues with my Header with the free theme. Using CSS I was able to remove titles from the pages which was great. I was also able to find additional information to remove so that my blog post titles are also not shown on the Header... BUT... for the life of me I can not figure out how to get rid of the date that seems to remain on the Header.
Additionally I do not seem to have any (non coding) way of editing the size of my site logo. It does not matter what size logo I edit and upload whatever I select displays the same and does not have any slider or editing that I can find. The logo is ok... like it will work but it would be so much better if it was smaller and I likely would not of spend the last 2 hours trying to get rid of the text that is displaying under it.
So far the only pages giving grief on my new design are the blog pages: Blog Post Look at the logo, the date is under the logo and just sticking out at abit. This post is a basic early one .... so I know the image is pixilated. ;)