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Header Iimage Mapping…

I have a header I am trying to image map. It has three buttons and the image map code I have works but at the same time, it removes the top div section where my logo and other info goes. here is what I have done: I go to Appearance > Editor > Theme header... I then scroll down to this code: <header id="branding" role="banner"> <?php /** * catchevolution_before_headercontent hook * * @hooked catchevolution_header_topsidebar - 10 */ do_action( 'catchevolution_before_headercontent' ); ?> <div id="header-content" class="clearfix"> <div class="wrapper"> <?php /** * catchevolution_headercontent hook * * @hooked catchevolution_headerdetails - 10 * @hooked catchevolution_header_rightpsidebar - 15 */ do_action( 'catchevolution_headercontent' ); ?> </div><!-- .wrapper --> </div><!-- #header-content --> <?php /** * catchevolution_after_headercontent hook * * @hooked catchevolution_header_menu - 10 */ do_action( 'catchevolution_after_headercontent' ); ?> </header><!-- #branding --> I placed the image-map code between the header branding code above after removing the above code. The header was replaced correctly with the images now being clickable... It worked fine but, at the same time, it took out the div that held my logo. The header now was from the top of the page. If you were to look at the site now, you would see the regular site with logo but no clickable buttons on the header. Any suggestions? Thanks - Jeff
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