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Footer 2 and footer 3

Would like footer 2 (some of our sponsors) and footer 3 (help us out) at the button to be centered (each logo centered within the footer box). At some point, had some custom css code to do this, but when I upgraded to version 3, lost everything. By the way, I lost my sliders, but other custom css code and various other settings when I moved over to version 3. Was NOT happy. Spent about 2 hours to recreate everything. I was super lucky that i had a window open with the side before the install of the new version. Web site is: I have a child theme installed and it still blew the customs items. If I can get the code to put into the css additional space for footer 2 and footer 3, I will keep for future installs in case future installs erases customs codes and other selections already made. Thanks Marty
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