Featured slider static, conflict with link
I am trying to add a logo which links to another website on the homepage (www.britannicplace.co.uk)
I have managed to add it on other pages so know its a conflict with the slider. I have also gone through and eliminated plugins as the cause for this. Ideally I wannt the logo in a prominent place, preferably in the header sidebar.
Are you able to make this work for me? The code I need to put in to add the logo is as follows:
<div id="vf-ifa-review"><script src="https://www.vouchedfor.co.uk/ifa_r.php"></script><div class="vf-ifa-4215"> <script type="text/javascript">contentLoaded(window, function(e) {vf_get_ratings(' NDIxNQ==', 'vf-ifa-4215')});</script></div></div>