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Featured content on 2 other pages than home

Hi, I would like to get 2 different featured content on 2 others pages than home. After some readings, and some additional CSS, I get almost what I was looking for. Here is my trick. I select "Entire site" in the "Enable Featured Content On" option. then I add this CSS lines: #featured-content { display: none; } .page-id-254 #featured-content { display: block; } .page-id-232 #featured-content { display: block; } .page-id-254 article#featured-post-9 { display: none; } .page-id-254 article#featured-post-10 { display: none; } .page-id-254 article#featured-post-11 { display: none; } .page-id-254 article#featured-post-12 { display: none; } .page-id-232 article#featured-post-1 { display: none; } .page-id-232 article#featured-post-2 { display: none; } .page-id-232 article#featured-post-3 { display: none; } .page-id-232 article#featured-post-4 { display: none; } .page-id-232 article#featured-post-5 { display: none; } .page-id-232 article#featured-post-6 { display: none; } .page-id-232 article#featured-post-7 { display: none; } .page-id-232 article#featured-post-8 { display: none; } As you can see on page-id-254 I get the 8 first featured page and on page-id-232 I get the last 4 ones. Everything works fine except in the smartphone view, in that view I get all 12 featured-post. Can you help me on this? Philippe Stals
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