Excerpt and button don't show up in Featured Slider
I have three posts that I'm populating the Featured Slider with on the front page. I have created excerpts for them and also a "learn more" button (as in your demo). However, the learn more button only appears on the post page and not on the front page slider.
I have created the excerpt and the button by going to the post edit page, down at the bottom where it says Helena Options, I select Header Featured Image options. From there I am able to enter a manual excerpt, plus the button attributes.
The problem is two-fold:
1) I don't need the button and excerpt to display on the actual post page. It says "read more" and if a person clicks on it from the post page, it simply reloads the same post page. So it should not appear on the post page itself.
2) I do need it to appear on the Featured Slider at the top of the home page. That is where it would be most helpful to have a "read more" button that takes you to the corresponding post page. However, it does not appear on the home page. Only the excerpt appears.
I would appreciate your help! Sorry, but the site is in production and not live, or I'd give you the URL.