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Distance between images and text / Bold letters

Hi! First of all, sorry for my English. I will do my best to explain my problems clearly. 1st - When I write something in bold, the words appear in a lower position than the words in normal style. How can i fix that? 2nd - How can I change the distance between images and text? For example, I added a table with some images inside. I added the table with TablePress and well, when i see the preview in the TablePress plugin, the images are centered and close to the words below. Buuuut... when i see them in the entry, the pictures are on the left (not centered) and very separated from the words below. The plugin says that, depending on my theme, the table may look different in the entry... The same happens to me with the titles (or headings, i dont know how to say it). When i add a h2 in the entry content, the line below is very far from the title. I think you can see all these things in Is there any way to fix that? Many thanks
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