Site icon Catch Themes

Couple of questions

Site: 1) Sidebar Recent Post widget: Is there a way to set no of recent posts to show instead of entering post id? 2) I have implemented the new theme catch Everest pro - but the formatting on all the pages is changed for example there is no space in between paragraphs is there a quick way to fix this? 3) Is there a way to get rid of blog title or move it towards left on blog page itself - 4) How do i get rid of coding stuff under the comment box? You may use these HTML tags and attributes: <abbr title=""> <acronym title=""> <b>
<cite> <i> <q cite=""> <strike> 5) Every blog page there are 2 bios now Sanjay Gupta how do i get rid of one? 6) Is there a code for getting rid of all hyphenations? 7) Is there a way of making just a portion of header as a link (i want to add the text in the image itself franchise opp available and link to another address) at the moment its going to Suchi
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