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Change the text in comments form

Hi Sakin, I have seen some previus topics and the only thing i have found about changing the text in comments is that i must now how to change the code(comments.php). Well i am not a master but these are my changes : $args = array( 'title_reply' => __( 'Αφήστε σχόλιο', 'simplecatch' ), 'comment_notes_before' => '', 'comment_field' => '<label>'. __('Σχόλιο','simplecatch') .'</label><textarea name="comment" id="comment" rows="10" tabindex="4"></textarea>', 'label_submit' => __( 'Submit','simplecatch' ), 'comment_notes_after' => '', 'fields' => apply_filters( 'comment_form_default_fields', $fields ) ); comment_form($args); but nothing happened. Propably it'not the args that i must change. I would appreciated if you can tell me what variables i have to change. It's essential to me as i am from Greece and i must have greek text. Thank you very much and i am sorry if my english are not perfect :) .
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