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Are these customizations possible in Catch Kathmandu Pro?

Hello, Our website at currently uses the free version of Catch Kathmandu theme and we are going to buy Catch Kathmandu Pro. We would like to ask a couple of questions before purchasing it. Question 1: Is it possible to display an email address with an envelope image instead of "Catch Kathmandu by Catch Themes" in Catch Kathmandu Pro version? If not, how is it possible to display an email address in the footer in the right-hand corner? I tried customizing all four of the footer areas, but the text is added on the left-hand side. The current height of the footer is already big so ideally I would like to put the email address instead of "Catch Kathmandu by Catch Themes". --- Question 2: Under Tools - Header Code I added the following script: <script> $(document).ready( function() { // Make Service boxes clickable $(".service").click(function() { window.location = $(this).find("a").attr("href"); return false; }); // React to Enter or Space key when a service is in focus $(".service").keydown(function(e) { var code = e.which; // 13 = Return, 32 = Space if ((code === 13) || (code === 32)) { $(this).click(); } }); }); </script> This script (it should make divs clickable) works perfectly in a regular HTML file (combined with <script src=""></script>), however, even though a reference to "jquery" already exists in Catch Kathmandu, my script does not work. Possibly there is some incompatibility with the theme, or I am using the wrong section of the theme configurator to insert the script. Here is the page: --- Question 3: Is it possible to reduce the amount of vertical whitespace between the page title on each page and the header area? Currently it's just too tall on desktop screen sizes. --- Question 4: By default, if an has "align=left" attribute, text must flow around the image to its right. However, this does not happen (see "safety.gif" on Instead, the image is aligned on its baseline with text. I reviewed your theme's CSS ( and I can see that you override the default img's display behaviour. I tried added the following to my CSS: .safety img { display: inline; } But this does not work. --- I understand that the above questions are outside your support arrangements for the free version of the theme. Because we have very limited budget, we can only afford buying the Pro version of the theme, but cannot afford any extra paid customizations. We would like to know whether the Pro version allows (some of) the above fixes to be implemented, and whether you will be able to assist us with the above customizations as part of the support contract (free of charge) after we buy the theme. Thanks. Best regards, Stanislav
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