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Allow pages for posts slider (and workarounds)

Please enable displaying of pages in the posts slider (by setting a page id in the admin interface). It is really easy to do, you just have to add one line in catcheverest-functions.php (function catcheverest_post_sliders): 'posts_per_page' => $options[ 'slider_qty' ], 'post_type' => array( 'post', 'page' ), // new line to enable pages 'post__in' => $options[ 'featured_slider' ], 'orderby' => 'post__in', 'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1 // ignore sticky posts Thank you! To do this change in a child theme is a real pain! You need your own catcheverest_post_sliders()-function (obviously) and your own catcheverest_slider_display()-function calling your own catcheverest_post_sliders() function. And then you need a third function which unhooks the old catcheverest_slider_display()-function and adds your customized one. This function needs to be hooked to the 'init'-action then. (All this can be done in functions.php of the child theme.) Greetz, xray
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