Adonis free – page width on Hi-res monitors
Hello everybody!
I have recently switched to Adonis free WP theme. It works well and looks nice (on 1920x1080 monitor). However, the page is not wide enough on higher resolution screens such as 2560x1440. Is there a way to make it full width on these screens as well?
Another issue I have with the website is that the main background image is not full screen in the phone web browser (see attached images). It works only in desktop mode. The theme would look much better if the image covered the full screen on the home page even on phones. Can that be fixed?
Here is a screenshot of Adonis theme on a high-res (2560x1440) screen:
Screenshot in portrait mode in 1080p (Developer options in Chrome) on PC:
Screenshot in portrait mode on Samsung Galaxy S7:
Would appreciate any kind of help. Thanks!