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Add translation for "Leave a comment" and "% Comments" links on top of posts

Hi there, I am pretty new to WordPress and development but I read and test a lot. However this time I didn't get how to add the missing translations in pt_BR for the "Leave a comment" and the "% Comments" links that appears on the top of posts on the post pages, but also on the home page, the archive pages, etc. I modified comments.php from the Clean Box folder for few other missing translations and I worked. But I am sure this is not the correct method, as I will lost my translations when I will update the theme. Hereafter the complete list of missing translations on my site (those translations do exist on the WordPress page for "Translation of Clean Box: Brazilian Portuguese"): - One thought on “%2$s” - % thoughts on “%2$s” - % Comments - Leave a comment - Newer Comments → - 1 Comment - ← Older Comments - % Comments[term]=comment&filters[user_login]=&filters[status]=current_or_waiting_or_fuzzy_or_untranslated&filter=Filter&sort[by]=translation&sort[how]=desc
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